So the central question of my work right now is: how can I align deeper with the priestess archetype and be more of a rockstar priestess in the world?

I was always naturally good at is the Gryffindor-style Priestess stuff – the running blindly forth, taking action and taking names, being daring, trying things, making stuff happen, having a go and having mad courage. I am naturally quite an all action Gryffindor priestess. 

But the thing that has always really fascinated me is the devotional stuff. 

In Morgan le Fay Mystery School, my priestess training school, at Midwinter we celebrate Morgan le Fay in her High Priestess aspect. 

We call Morgana the High Priestess because she is the ultimate priestess mentor – she has been inspiring women to return to and reawaken Avalon for the last fifty years, maybe even longer. She carries the spirit of the Priestess, the one who serves the goddess, the one who is a channel for the energy of the divine, who stands between the worlds and is a radiant source of love and compassion for the world. 

Perhaps Morgan is reawakening you as a Priestess in her misty shift ways, who knows. 

As an archetype, the High Priestess is aligned with Air. Her priestess skills are all about consciousness raising, shifting the energy around us, prayer, channelling, resonating, and feeling the vibes. She is the subtle, the invisible, the birth of an idea and the power of thought. She is an energy work master, and is able to taste, discern and transform the vibration of any area or any topic so it resonates with what she desires.

She is the vibration of peace, of surrender, of sinking back into the flow of the divine.

It’s ephemeral, it’s spacy, it’s galactic – it’s energy stuff that cannot be seen in the physical world. A lot of the work for this is done through the mind, the imagination and through tuning the heart.  The imagination is aligned with the element of Air, the element of vision, inspiration and the first breath of manifestation.

The heart is aligned with the element of Water, and on our Morgan Wheel this sits opposite to the position of the High Priestess, as the Healer at Midsummer. Just like how at Samhain some of the frequencies of Beltane are activated, at Midwinter the same happens with it’s solar opposite, Midsummer. Everything is connected. 

I absolutely love this High Priestess Midwinter work. It is so…. mmmmm.

This year my project has been to REALLY embody and deepen into this High Priestess vibe, the one who Allows and Aligns All the Time, to keep stepping into that energy field and seeing how I can anchor it here…

… and let me tell you, it has been a trip. The language of the High Priestess, how to explain the far-out energetic stuff she does often land in the new age-lightworker babble I so detest, and I find myself saying things like energetic field and auric resonance and activation of the Codes of Avalon far more than I would usually be comfortable with.

I have always felt this dichotomy between the two halves of my priestess self. There is this radiant High Priestess side: the one who carries the energy of Morgan le Fay and the cloak of Sapphire Blue, who is the night and the dusk and deep unignorable presence. She is ecstatic stillness, peace and depth. 

Then there is the Red Priestess, she who has her toes deeply in the red ochre of the earth and who Priestesses by being powerfully in and a part of the world, endlessly birthing and getting her hands busy in the physicality of it. For me, this is the Venusian side. This is the one who laughs and dances and eats dark chocolate and touches the hearts of others with beauty and kind hands, not through being all energetically magnetic or especially priestessy, but through the spirit of being very alive. She is ecstatic movement, dance and noise and practical action.

This is why my Facebook group and my energetic temple (yes, I told you, my High Priestess explorations have made me way more the kind of person who keeps an explicit energetic temple and frequency and talks about that with peeps) is called the Temple/Sisters of the Morgen Rose, as it combines that deep Avalonian sapphire connection with that earthen red beauty of Venus and the Priestesses of LIFE who I deeply connected with in Crete this year. 

I even have a symbol for it. Check it.

Like all things Goddess, all things Spirit, each extreme holds the heart of the other. The Red Priestess work is held by the energetic core of the High Priestess, who keeps the vision and the frequency strong so the work is linked and connected to the sacred. The High Priestess needs the Red Priestess to help her translate her out there priestess magic into practical Priestess Service (if that is what the initiate desires) that will help heal the real world and make a real difference to people’s lives in real ways – and to stop the High Priestess turning into a hermit who looses touch with reality, a stereotype anyone who has met anyone in the new age knows all too well. 

The work I have done with the High Priestess this year has been really powerful, and I feel like I am stepping deeper and deeper into Avalon, shedding layers of stuff and learning truly how to align with the priestess energy on a daily level, and I feel it’s effects blossoming out in my life in all kinds of wild synchronistic ways I am only just starting to understand. 

In Morgan Mystery School I like to talk about the specific kind of magic and spell craft each essence of Morgan le Fay likes to hold (she is a master of magic after all, she’s badass at ALL THE WAYS) and I have been having an amazing time really immersing in High Priestess Magic: the magic of consciousness, vibration, clarity and prayer. 

If you are really enchanted by this aspect of Morgan le Fay and of Priestessing, I invite you to join me in February for my High Priestess weekend, where I will be teaching and performing lots of ceremonies to awaken and activate this part of yourself and get you doing High Priestess magic on the regular. You can click here to learn more and sign up to join us