Over on my Facebook Group, The Mermaid Sisterhood, we do regular mermaid rituals to top ourselves up with mermaid juice and to remember that life isn’t all about fulfilling obligations and cleaning up the old stuff from the fridge – it can also be about joy and freedom and mermaids and all the ocean feels.

This is why we do Mermaid Rituals – to remind us that life isn’t as serious, heavy and hard as we think it is! There are other options, folks!

As we are nearing the end of 2018, and as the tarot card that keeps coming up for me in my schmexy Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot is The Fool, who is all about new beginnings, here is a half hour long Mermaid Ritual all about deciding to walk the path of the great Mermaid Goddess Aphrodite and invoke joy, love an blessings in our future.

Aphrodite is a mermaid goddess born of the sea – she rules Love, Beauty, and Femininity, and is deeply ancient. She has been around the Mediterranean in one form or other for thousands and thousands of years, sometimes taking the form of a mermaid and usually taking the form of a rapturously beautiful woman.

So join us in our ritual to invoke Aphrodite’s blessings at any new start in your life – at the new year, at the new moon, on your birthday, at the start of the month – any time, yo.

Are you ready to Be More Mermaid?

If you loved connecting with the mermaids in this ritual and would like to learn more about Mermaid Spirituality, discover my self-study course Be More Mermaid: a six week immersion into all things mermaid! In it we work with the archetype of the mermaid, learn about mermaid history, folklore, magic and how to embody the archetype of the Mermaid to have more fun, give less fucks and feel as confident and clear as a siren.

It’s an evergreen course and you can start anytime. Discover your mermaid self and Be More Mermaid – Click here to learn more.