Glastonbury Goddess Conference is an international festival of the goddess that takes place every year in Glastonbury, UK. For a few years I have been priestessing and serving at the conference, and this post was written in the middle of conference in 2024 about being behind the scenes at Glastonbury Goddess Conference to share with everyone what it’s like being there!

I am in Glastonbury at the 29th Annual Goddess Conference, waiting for my turn in the bathroom at the AirBNB before I go to bed… so I thought I’d get in touch with you all.
Conference is stunning. We are two days in and we’ve all done a lot of crying – tears for beauty, tears for communion, tears for grief. It’s the year of the Healing Goddess, so there are lots of healing tears.
So, how conference works – it’s six days long and it’s part six-day ceremony, part six day-goddess nerd out, and part six days of meeting your best friends and being in a loving sister sibling hood you don’t get anywhere else.
There are so. many. people. who go into making Conference work – there is 60+ of us behind the scenes – from the epic huge ceremonies with hundreds of participants and 18 + priestesses facilitating, to all the workshop and talk presenters, to the amazing Melissas (who are the support staff who make everything happen).
My role in conference this year is as a directional priestess for Morgan le Fay. I hold daily circles for a smaller group of conference attendees, look after everyone, and help facilitate the big fancy ceremonies.
I’m in the “priestess” role in the ceremonies – there is another group of priestesses who are in the “embodiment” role, who are actively transmitting the energy of the goddess in ceremony.
I made a verrrry fancy banner for conference this year – It was for Morgan le Fay, so of course I had to go hard.
Yesterday was the opening ceremony for the conference, which was all about herbs! Everyone was invited to bring herbs and flowers from their lands to place on the green mantle of the goddess, asking for healing in love and devotion. My gosh, the herbs smelled so good!
(I didn’t though. We are experiencing a ridiculous heatwave this week so we are all very sweaty!)
Each conference has nine embodiment priestesses, who call in nine different goddesses to hold the energy of the Conference throughout the year. It’s a biiiiig job – they have been holding this energy since September last year to facilitate this magical week of healing for everyone.
The nine goddesses change every year – this year, we have Idun, Sulis, Coventina, Isolde, Brighid, Blodeuwedd, Airmid, Nemetona and Morgan le Fay (the best one 😉) being held by the ceremonialists.
The herb for Morgan le Fay is Mugwort, the herb of magic and dreamtime (and women’s wombs) and I had the honour of spreading the mugwort on the healing cloak/mantle of the goddess last night!
Other herbs represented include waterlily, meadowsweet, mushroom, chamomile, rose , dandelion (I include this as I know our potions mistress here at the Morgan le Fay Mystery School will by dying to know!). I got to lead my little daily circle on a herb walk to the Tor in Glastonbury yesterday, which was wonderful.
Today was the healing ceremony at the Chalice Well – we are lucky enough to be able to hold ceremony at the well this year, and it was so beautiful.

First I showed up and had a big cry, cos conference brings up the feels (especially at the healer goddess conference), and was held by my dear friend Andrea, who is the gay Italian mother I never knew I needed.
And then we wandered the gardens and went into different portals of imitation to be blessed by the Well maidens, who were the ceremonial priestesses in full embodiment. We got to immerse ourselves in the white spring (!), be blessed by the red waters, receive channeled messages from Morgan le Fay at the wellhead, and listen to beautiful harp music in the top meadow.

It takes me a bit to fully arrive in conference – especially because I am usually working and holding space for folks, so it takes a while for my own personal journey to begin here.
I cried a little bit more, because I fucking love the goddess-loving men here at conference, the ones who come as participants and the ones who help facilitate and run the conference – I just love men. So much. I love the masculine, and it is so healing to be here with our brothers who are both in devotion with us and holding space for all of us.
Next up tomorrow is the Lammas Fire ceremony… conference is such a whirlwind!
I hope you enjoyed your peek behind the scenes!

Wish you could join us in the magical town of Glastonbury for a week of transformational ceremonies, goddess talks, workshops and amazing siblinghood?
Join us for the Glastonbury Goddess Conference, a yearly festival of the goddess held every year at Lammas in Glastonbury UK!