
  • Summer Solstice!

    Summer Solstice is one of my favourite festivals. The other favourites include Beltaine, Spring Equinox, Imbolg, Winter Solstice, Samhain, Autumn Equinox and Lammas. Woohoo! Today, it is muchos cloudy, with the expectation of rain. Well. it can’t be all sunny all the time. At the weekend I changed my altar for the Summer Solstice. Midsummer […]


  • It’s OK!

    I’m beginning to think that the point of spirituality is not to space out time in which to meditate, or pray, or make complicated incense. I am beginning to think that it’s to be as wholly you and true to yourself that you can be. What I am learning is that, spiritually, it’s ok to […]


  • In need of some badass mermaidin’

    I don’t think anyone gets through life without stumbling over and being really grumpy for a bit. Seemingly, the happier I get, the more intensely grumpy I get in return. Bit like hot summer, cool winter. Recently I’ve been in a world of self-loathing and general sorry-for-myself feelings. Again. It’s a bit like Wormtongue in […]


  • New musings on What Is a Faeriewitch?

    I think it depends who you ask really. I’ve reeeeally been taking a faery hiatus recently – I’ve done very little faery based stuff and lots of priestessy type stuff (rd: lots of candle burning, mooning around under trees, lots of talking to invisible gods, lots of taroting) but I still think I have some […]


  • Resonance

    Last night as I was working listening to the excellent Dark Side of Fey Podcast which featured Christopher Penczak, a dude I greatly respect for his awesomeness and his comprehensive witchcraft course The Temple of Witchcraft books, they were talking about the idea of resonance, and how it used by newbies and “fluffy bunnies” to […]


  • I Finally get it!

    All these wiccan types like to put the world Lord or Lady in their names, not to feel important or like they are better than you, but to bring a sense of power and responsibility to their life! I’ve been very into the concept of goddess as Soverign over the past month and research into […]


  • Faeries tell me off

    I have been doing a lot of faery stuff lately – reading faery books, working on faery projects (my university illustration project is a mermaid-based faery tale, and my other project are illustrations for a book on faery) reading up about witch stuff and doing guided meditations and automatic writings. And eating a lot of […]


  • Faery Ritual

    Here I am, meant to be writing about my experiences as a Faerywitch. That was my intention of the blog, so let’s do the business. I was a regular witchy/wiccan type person for a long time before I discovered the world of Faery and consequently decided to try and bring that into my practice and everyday spirituality. The […]


  • Back to Avalon

    Recently I bought “Priestess of Avalon – Priestess of the Goddess” by Kathy Jones, and it got me thinking. I was not sure about it during the first few chapters, but then I read her beautiful chapter on her Creation Myth of Avalon, and everything I had read in the book clicked into place. I […]


  • The Faeries Save my Ass

    Panic! I haul my art stuff into college and retire to the printing rooms to pick up my Indian Hand prints and quickly frame them, but they had disapeared! I searched all over the place for them, but mostly resigned to the fact that I was going to have to re-print them all. On my […]


  • The Faeriedaughter

    I am a wiccan witch with a faerie slant. I adore the world of faeries, mermaids, witches and goddesses, but I keep it on the low as I am a serious university student. I have been on the witchy path for around 7 years now, and I believe that it the right path for me. […]