
  • Do you have a family curse?

    I am fascinated by my own family curse. In my own healing journey over the past few years I’ve been digging to find out where a lot of my wounding comes from – all the things from depression to unidentified shame about the past. I’ve come to believe that trauma is often inherited through the family line. In fact […]


  • Vulnerability: It’s never cool.

    Vulnerability! This is something I have been struggling with a lot. The established and, I guess, normal way of running a blog is that the blog writer is the Expert and the readers are the Students. The sexy cool expert goes “blah blah blah I know all about this stuff blah” and student goes “aaaah I […]


  • Update: Saying Goodbye and Moving Forward

    saying good bye and moving forward update

    I’ve been pretty quiet for a long while so I thought it was high time for a love letter update! Lots of stuff has been going on in the last few months. First off, I left the Spiral 2 of the Priestess Training Programme at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple. This has been really really sad for […]


  • Why hello, rock bottom, nice to meetcha

    My journey with the crone these past few weeks has been a little bit epic. First of, I have never felt the Goddess around me and supporting me so strongly. Usually, it’s just when I actively tune into her and take some time out to connect that I feel her presence. But this season I’ve […]


  • Why Frogs? I hear you ask.

    It is still Samhain Season. It hasn’t turned just yet – the leaves are still turning and still falling in my corner of the world, though I can see and feel Winter coming because it’s bloody cold in my house. I’m an animal person. I cast my witches’ circle calling in the animals of the […]


  • I think that’s called a truth bomb

    So here it is. I was in bed, well past bedtime, and I was a little upset by something superman said. (I’d asked him a question and the answer wasn’t romantic enough, so I felt all put out in that weird I-should-be-offended way you get sometimes.) So I was sitting there, knackard as no-ones business […]


  • I am 25 now.

    Woah, hold on a minute, Time. The other week I turned 25. I feel like I have graduated into grown-up-hood, because of this: – A dance classmate asked me my age at the weekend, and when I said I was 25, she said she thought I was 16, and I WASN’T OFFENDED. In fact, I […]


  • How’s it going?

    Inspired by my friend Dominee over at Blessing Manifesting, here is a How’s it Going post. It’s going tough. Like loads of people right now, I’m out of normal work, and have been trying to capture normal work for the last 9 months. Yikes. I do lots of temping stuff – covering people’s dentist appointments, […]


  • Mama’s Words of Wisdom

    Life is a lot like climbing a mountain. Sometimes it’s easy going. Sometimes you look around you and the view is breathtakingly beautiful. Sometimes it’s really hard, and you are scrambling over rocks like clinging with your fingernails each step of the way. And sometimes, it’s just really boring. You might even feel a little lost along […]


  • And I thought Vampires were rubbish

    Ok, I admit it, I’m addicted. It’s my guilty secret shame. I’m addicted to True Blood. Christ knows why. Actually, it’s pretty obvious why…. Eric Northman and his brooding scary viking sexiness aside, watching the TV show, I often stop and think, what the arse am I doing watching this? It’s violent, it’s over sensational, completely […]


  • The only thing that gets me cleaning the kitchen

    I’m not particularly domesticated. And I’m rubbish at kitchens and everything kitchen related, like feeding myself, remembering to empty the washing machine, and finding the motivation to clean it. Problem is, dirty kitchens are gross. Happily, Superman takes care of a lot of the feeding-me duties, partly because I get grumpy when I am not […]


  • Indecent Autumnal Excitement

    I’ve been reading on lots of blogs how witchy peeps see the Equinox season as a bit bitter sweet – it’s awesome because it’s witchy, but it’s sad because it is getting darker again. Obviously I am a weirdo as I am so so so excited about the darkening days and the encroach of October. […]


  • Past Ghosties

    I am a witch with good intentions and grand plans who tends to get a bit distracted after the initial “Yeah, let’s do this!” bit. Hence why I worked with two chapters of Tarot for Yourself (A Tarot Workbook) by Mary K Greer in 2006 and then no more. Picking it up I am seeing […]