Samhain is here this week! It’s gonna be a daytime ritual for me, work, and then going out for a right-proper Halloween party celebration! Yeah!

I know it can be tough to figure out what to do for Sabbats and the Seasons, so here are some simple and easy ideas for y’all.

– Tell you what I am doing this week: Cleaning and clearing the bejeesus out of my home. I’m getting rid of the things I don’t need anymore, clearing the cobwebs, putting stuff on ebay – as Samhain is all about letting go of what does not serve you. Clear up with the intention of releasing that which holds you back. It’ll work magic.

Embrace the darkness. Go outside, in the darkness, in the night (somewhere where you are safe of course, like your garden) and sit in it. Just sit in it and open yourself up to the experience of being in the darkness. Set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes, and meditate, maybe pray to the Dark Goddess of your fears and sadnesses, or for guidance. Whatever moves you.

Carve pumpkins, baby! You can carve em’ with the traditional scary face of the crone, and put them somewhere with reverence – perhaps on your altar, or on your porch to shine the blessings of the Crone Goddess out into the night! Or make a spell of it –

Pumpkin Spell

– Create Sacred Space, in whatever way you prefer.

– Create your intention and declare it aloud to the universe. Carve a symbol of something you wish to manifest on the pumpkin, visualising your intention as you carve it. Maybe create a little mind movie, or a little mantra of your intention, or put on songs on to match that intention (if you want to bring in a soulmate, perhaps put on some bad ass ballads and sing along, or put on music that makes you think of love).

– Raise power and charge your pumpkin with it – perhaps visualising the power of the universe channelling through you and into the pumpkin, that’s how I like to do it.

– Declare to the universe “As I light this pumpkin, the spell is activated and “whatever your intention is, it does that!)”. make sure you and the universe are super clear about how the spell is activated. Pop a candle inside and light it – leave the candle burning all night.

I think this would be a good one to over the night of Halloween (between the old and the new year), or on the next new moon (3rd November). Now your job is to trust the magic, work in accord and let your intention happen!

New year, New Witch: Set your new spiritual resolutions for the year. Don’t go overboard – perfectionisim never helps anyone. One or two will do. Once you have decided, you can either cast circle/create sacred space and announce your intentions to the universe, or whatever gods you work with, or you can pop outside into the void between the worlds (well, the nighttime darkness), ground and announce them there. Keep em’ written down on your altar to remind yourself.

Create something in honour of the Crone Goddess. Maybe a painting, a beautiful altar, a clay statue, a song, a dance, a prayer or a poem – or go out on a mini pilgrimage and leave an offering on a suitably crone-goddessy place. A graveyard. A yew tree. The place where three roads meet. One of those holes in trees that look like Sheela na Gig’s bits.

– Walk the Land – just go do it man. We are pagans – we are all about connecting to the season. Go for a freaking walk!

– Give your granny and grandad ring. This is the time of the year to honour the crones in your life, so be a good grandchild and call your grandparents. If you don’t have any grandparents and your mama and pops are getting on a bit, give them a ring instead.

If you miss Samhain, October 31st (this Thursday), don’t freak out. Pick another day and keep doing the stuff and connecting with the season. It’s more important to take action than to be perfect!