Something that has been haunting me the last few years is the vision of Morgan le Fay anointing King Arthur as he makes ready to travel to Avalon.
Morgan le Fay’s most enduring myth is that when King Arthur was mortally wounded in battle he was taken to the healer Morgan le Fay, and she took him into a boat to cross the seas to the sacred realm of Avalon to be healed.
I have been training as a Scent Priestess and a Myrrophore for a few years now. When I began my training as a Scent Priestess I was just thinking about Aphrodite Vibes, all things magical and perfumey and woohoo essential oils! I was caught in the beauty of it.
I didn’t really think much about the actual ancient purpose of the Myrrophores – that the women who worked with the anointing oils were often also the same ones who worked with the death rites.
But my Scent Priestess actually training lead me to learn about the death mysteries and understand that the role of a Myrrophore is as a death priestess.
Like in all things I do that I intend to be a detour away from my darling Morgan le Fay, it just lead me right back to her. She’s inescapable!
Last year I was drawing a picture of Morgen le Fay at the deathbed of king Arthur, and I had this HUGE understanding that Morgan le Fay was a freaking Myrrophore.
She worked with herbs and potions – she would definitely have had some precious oils in her stash, some lavender and frankincense. She was a psychopomp who helped people cross over the veils and was the ferrywoman for Arthur to travel to Avalon.
And I saw Morgan le Fay with the sacred oils anointing King Arthur ready for his journey into the afterlife.
She was there at his death for this purpose – to be his soul midwife and death doula of Avalon. We see this in when she takes Arthur away across the water to Avalon, to the Celtic other world where the dead live again and dance with the faery host, and ghosts pass over to the other side.
Morgan is a death goddess, but not in a battle-heavy and slaughter way – in that she is the one who holds your hand at the end and walks with you through that last transition of life.
Of course this is where she would be.
She’s a priestess, a goddess of initiation, challenge and transition.
So on my quest to be the best modern-day embodiment of Morgan le Fay vibes I could be, I needed to learn the arts and skills of the death doula of Avalon more deeply and how to hold space for endings and death.
And I created the Rites of the Underworld training to learn and teach that – so we could deepen in together on this journey of stepping into this level of being a Priestess of Avalon.
I called in my incredible sister priestesses who work with death on the regular to guide us and teach us; highly trained and huge-hearted death priestesses who hold this rites as their sacred service.
Once upon a time death was not the taboo it was today: in fact the realm of the dead on these Celtic shores was known as paradise.
And it’s the work of the priestesses of Avalon to bring death consciousness back into the world. To hold space with love at the final passage, and to support those navigating loss, death and grief in our chaotic world.
Rites of the Underworld is our four month death priestess training in the Morgan le Fay Mystery School, learning the skills of the death doula, the ceremonialist, the circle holder, the psychopomp.
You can learn all about the program here:

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