
  • The Goddess at the Spring Equinox

    The Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara, happens every springtime when the daytime and nighttime are of equal legth: Equi-nox! Ba boom! In the Glastonbury Avalonian Tradition, the Spring Equinox is the festival of the Goddess of Fire. All the plants and leaves are awake and frantically growing for their lives. It’s a time of […]


  • Elements of the Wheel of the Year

    I’ve found the traditional elemental associations of the wheel of the year a little odd, always. I think it’s regularly earth in winter, air in spring, fire in summer, and water in autumn, and so they are associated with each of the season’s exquinoxy events. But, like wands being associated with fire in the Tarot, […]


  • My Ostara Adventures

    Ostara is a time of balance between, well in theory, all things. It’s balance, innit? Daytime and nighttime are the sametimes. I love the equinoxes, the planetery celebrations of the Goddess’ wheel – when you can see the seasons changing. I’ve always seen the pagan wheel as divided into sections by the equinoxes and solstices, […]