Today I wanted to introduce you to to an image I am very proud of: the Wheel of Morgan le Fay. 

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Let’s dive in!

The Wheel of Morgan le Fay is a way to explore many of the key archetypes of the goddess Morgan le Fay as we travel through the Celtic pagan year. 

It’s inspired by Kathy Jones’ Wheel of Brigit Ana, which looks like this…

The Wheel of the Bridannia | Glastonbury Goddess Temple
Wheel of the year from

… but this one is Morgan-Specific. 

The Wheel of the Goddess rests on the idea that all great goddesses can be divided into the 4 archetypes of womanhood – maiden, lover, mother and crone – and into the four elements of earth, fire, water and air. 

Morgan is a lil’ more complicated than that. She can totally be divided into those categories, but it’s not how she was born to operate. She’s a shapeshifter, so she does what she wants. (Bit like us.) 

She sometimes appears as a crone, but more than that she is an underworld goddess and psychopomp, holding a mirror to all the shadowy mess of our inner world and all the ways we are not in noble integrity. These are qualities crone goddesses are said to hold. 

She’s faery as hell, and as the faery initiatrix she anoints worthy knights and kings with her sexuality, Celtic-sovereignty-goddess-style… so she totally counts as a lover but has a very definite and very undeniable faery edge. 

Morgan le Fay was a mother many times in her stories, but it’s not the main purpose or focus of her personality. She’s herself first, and a mum second. She tends to take the role of the great Goddess of the Land, and becomes the embodiment of the mother-earth of Avalon herself. A tricksy one – a very universal mother. 

And as a maiden, she’s part of the Sisterhood of Avalon – those interchangeable shapeshifting women who appear in different guises and different faces all across Western Europe, who live in a commune and don’t bother with men very often – like the true Arthurian Castle of Maidens. 

And of course, as the great Magician Morgana holds the power of the elements: we see them in our wheel as High priestess, Enchantress, Healer and Queen, holding the initiations and skills of air, fire, water and earth respectively. 

Cute, right? 
But it’s more than a cool little artwork I made. 

This Wheel represents the curriculum of Morgan le Fay as I experience her. 

On her path to Priestesshood we have to pass through all these archetypal initiations and reclaim them for ourselves, because the purpose of a priestess is to be an anchor for the energy of the Goddess. 

A priestess of Morgan le Fay anchors the energy of Morgan le Fay, so if that’s our goal we have gotta go through the wheel and integrate her magic into our being…

… and a Priestess of Avalon studies the arts and archetypes of Morgan le Fay because they are the foundational skills of any Avalonian Priestess. 

Morgan le Fay is after all the High Priestess, Queen and ruling Goddess of Avalon, so she knows how to train potent priestesses.

So that’s what my Morgan le Fay Mystery School is built on. 

This wheel. 

These eight initiations of Morgan le Fay. 

These eight priestess skills and superpowers. 

I figured if you want to be a badass Avalon priestess, who better to model it on than the baddest Avalon priestess, Morgan le Fay?


Free Gift : Morgan le Fay Priestess Activation!

Ready to learn more about Morgan le Fay? I have an incredible free class for you that will teach you everything you need to know about Morgan le Fay and connect you with her powerful magic.

The Morgan le Fay Priestess Activation includes a lavishly illustrated Morgan le Fay guidebook, a potent Avalonian audio activation and a pre-recorded ceremony that works with Morgan le Fay to awaken enchantment in your life.

This free Priestess Activation is for YOU if you –

???? Are interested in learning Morgan le Fay beyond her stories as a villain and bad sorceress

???? Want to connect with a deep sense of magic in your life and awaken a mythical thread of enchantment to illuminate your life

???? Love collecting magical, beautiful grimoires!

Get your free Morgan le Fay Priestess Activation here: