saying good bye and moving forward update

I’ve been pretty quiet for a long while so I thought it was high time for a love letter update!

Lots of stuff has been going on in the last few months. First off, I left the Spiral 2 of the Priestess Training Programme at the Glastonbury Goddess Temple. This has been really really sad for me, but in the end I had to listen to and trust myself, which has been a huge theme of the last year. The way the course was taught was not right for me, and I realised that the course did not align with with my priestess values and what I believe is important in training to become a priestess.

This is super super sad, as I freaking LOVE the tradition and the goddesses and the whole vibe of the Temple and think it’s mad gorgeous and blissful and beautiful. But the course just didn’t work for me. I might talk about this in more detail later on, I might not. I still TOTALLY recommend a trip to Glasto and picking up the course textbook “Priestess of the Goddess, Priestess of Avalon” by Kathy Jones when you are there, because it’s great.

I’m really slow to make decisions and I question myself endlessly, so that really took up the whole of the first three months of the year for me emotionally, and now I am slowly coming out the other side. I am still super dedicated in my journey to become a practising priestess and mad in love with the Divine. I’m just figuring out the whole self motivation thing now!

LEARN AND LIVE MERMAIDS WITH OUR MERMAID EXPERIENCE ECOURSEIn other news, we completed the first round of my Mermaid Experience Course this March! Writing and running the course was I think the most fun I have had all year – imagine, five weeks of total immersion in mermaids, all day, every day! – and I loved loved LOVED it. Mermaids are such a huge inspiration for me and they manage to get me all fired up and excited and motivated where nothing else will.

Plus, it was my birthday! Hurrah! I have officially levelled up in experience points. Every year at my birthday I think about what I have done and achieved in the last year and how I want to experience the next – Year 27! Huzzah! This year I have decided I am really going to work on removing obstacles to following my dreams. There are so many awesome things that I am passionate about and that I want to do, and have wanted to do for the last 7 years, but I have found it so difficult to push through my resistance and fears and weird-ass thought patterns to achieve them. Looking back I guess I haven’t done a bad job so far, but it’s time to stop dreaming and time to start living!

Someone turn on my flat iron! <<< *pulls up hair with new hair clip, gets ready to go to war with Thranduil*
Click to go to Elfy Hair Tutorials on Pinterest!

Another thing: I love that there are so many new starts every year – we have the New year, Birthday and Samhain. And then the Sabbats. And the new moons. I am the kind of person who tends to loose focus over time, so I end up constantly re-committing to the same thing after forgetting about it 😀

Plus, we had a Lord of the Rings themed birthday party, and I got to dress up as an elf. Yeah! I am a not-so-secret massive Lord of the Rings geek and I am slightly obsessed with elf hair at the moment and trying to see how much elf hair is too much elf hair for every day use. So CLICK ON THRANDUIL to see my pinterest list of awesome elfy hairstyles to try.

So much love to you!

Demi xxx