In Morgen le Fay Mystery School we are deep in Faery lover season.
This is the season where we meet Morgana as the Ecstatic, the Lover, the Faery Queen, she who dances through the apple orchards and tempts us into things we are not sure we are brave enough to claim.
Unsurprisingly, this is my FAVOURITE season! It’s my zone of happiness, chillin’ with the sexy, too-much, embodied, fabulous energy of the Faery Lover.
But it brings up a really important point for those of us who are really drawn to the dark goddesses and underworld work.
I know in the world at large, Morgan le Fay is known as the classic nefarious enchantress from the King Arthur stories who really holds that dark taboo energy. She’s all about magic and raw desire and power and things being too intense and taboo and weird – she’s Scorpio in goddess form.
She’s rooted in battle goddesses, wailing beansidhes, and IDGAF sorceresses who lean hard into their pettiness.
And one of her core themes (and a core theme for a lot of witchy underworld goddesses like her – Morrighan, Hecate, Persephone etc) is that she is a mistress of the in-betweens.
She is a psychopomp – she guides people to the realm of the dead – and she is a faery who moves between the worlds.
Between the worlds.
Which means, she’s not hanging out in the darkness all the time.
This took a while for me to really understand. I have been on this journey with Morgen le Fay for fifteen years and for a long time I saw her as only the dark, powerful cool stuff – the demanding truth, the discernment, the presence and the badass queen vibes.
But she’s an in- between goddess.
And even though she dives into the underworld and is an exceptional guide there, she does leave the underworld and inhabit the sparkling luminous faery joy of dancing in orchards, hanging about in rivers, flirting with hotties and making magic for fun.
And that’s the other edge of expansion for us shadow workers.
Those of us drawn to the darkness, those of us who refuse to sweep away the discomfort and awkwardness and shame and need to witness and process and understand all that heavy shadowy stuff, we get really loyal to this shadow.
We are so afraid of having all this important stuff ignored and swept under the carpet like so much of the world wants us to. We are expected to keep smiling and pretend everything is fine, and hide our grief and depression and fears and anxieties away in a dark cupboard somewhere where we can pointedly pretend it doesn’t exist.
That doesn’t sit with us. We are rebels – we will not do what we are told – and we demand truth.
So we react with hyper loyalty to the shadow and we lurk there in the underworld…
… and forget that part of the underworld guide’s skills is how to navigate out of that underworld.
Now I am not trying to get you to navigate out of the underworld because the shadow is bad and the underworld is a bad place to be.
It’s not a judgement thing – it’s a fullness thing.
It’s why we are such powerful shadow alchemists in the first place – we transmute what holds us back so we can rise into our fullness in the regular world.
This process is reflected in our Wheel of Morgana.
At Samhain, we have Morgan le Fay as Shadow Queen – one who dives deep and sees and discerns and transmutes and is unafraid to get her hands dirty and roll about in discomfort. She holds and welcomes all of it.
And at the opposite side of the wheel Beltane, we have the Faery Lover, she who is FULLY embodied, in-the-body, and living with ripe divine FULLNESS in the world.
And just as Shadow Morgana can hold all the discomfort and sorrow and wild grief and hatred…
… Faery Lover Morgana can hold all the joy, ecstasy, fulfilment and happiness. She can EXPAND into it. She teaches us to GROW our ability to hold this good stuff – and this is half of the work.
There is a little bit of Shadow in every facet of Morgan le Fay, and her challenging Shadow face is so present in the faery lover – because what is more terrifying and uncomfortable than being asked to expand how much joy and goodness you can hold?
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