This year, one of my intentions/words of the year is Temple. My big goal is to be able to rent a flat by myself and fill it with lovely stuff, teal sofas, vintage crockery, amethyst crystals etc. and be able to hold women’s circles in my living room.
The dreeeeeeeam.
I want my home to feel like a temple. Like a sanctuary. Like a place where you come home and feel the high-vibe of the Goddess all around you, you know? I have been to a few friend’s houses where it’s like that and it’s wonderful.
So, like all good magical manifesting practices, to make stuff happen, you have to start with what you have now. There is no point waiting for my magical flat to drop out of the sky and THEN start learning how to templeify my living space. Nope. I gotta train myself before I get there. I gotta establish a Temple Tending practice now.
Now, this is where people who know me laugh their faces off, because I am incurably untidy. I’m a creative person. I have a lot of projects. I just leave a drift of notes and sheet music and rhinestones and pens and laptop cables and shoes and bits of fabric behind me wherever I go.
So my practice is to train myself to become excellent at Temple Tending.
So this is what I do.
My temple room is actually just my bedrooom. I have a wee little white bedroom: it’s got a bed, an altar and that’s about it, besides all the stuff in boxes under the bed.
Every morning (well, most mornings), after doing my morning Avalonian meditations and training and stuff, I go to my Venusian Altar.
It’s all red candles and jewellery and roses and fresh flowers and perfume. This year I am really playing with the idea of the Venusian Priestess and what that would look like in my life. I’m craving an expanded, delicious, playful, seductive Aphrodite Vibe in my life, for lots of reasons I talk about here.
So I light my red candle on my altar and do my Venusian Devotions.
(They are not complicated – I do a little prayer to Venus, and then spend about a minute or two breathing in her Rose Red light. Maybe I’ll spend a couple minutes more in meditation focusing on my heart chakra high vibin’ as a ruby red rose of light. That’s it.)
Then, usually I pop some devotional music on (I love Ashana’s Jewels of Silence album), open the window and tidy up my freaking room.
I put the clothes away. I make the bed. I re-arrange the bedside table and the visible stuff under the bed so it’s just so and there is space between everything – I’ve got a bit obsessed with the idea of space being around things, I just feel like it makes such a difference energetically.
(Untidy Person Tip; If you just make your bed, the room looks like 50% more tidy without doing anything, and it takes about 15 seconds. Boom.)
Then I go round the room with these lovely dinger cymbal things or with my singing bowl, with the intention of tuning the energy into a high vibe temple space.
Then I spray it with Aura Spray. I like the Goddess Spray by Lieveke Volke (you can get it at the Goddess Temple Shop in Glastonbury) – it has a lemon-balmy, honeysuckle smell. Lovely. I’ve also been trying to work on a rose-goddess recipe, because I want something with a rosewater base.
I spend a moment breathing in the delicious scent and feeling the spray settle on my skin, and then I am done, baby! By the end, my room feels like a sanctuary, and whenever I pop in there during the day it feels like I’m going into a mini sacred space, where I can relax and breathe.
That’s it. It takes fifteen minutes, and it a vital part of my Temple Priestess Training Plan; i.e. my training to be able to hold my soon-in-the-future flat in a beautiful tidy goddess sanctuary vibe, rather than letting it descend into a hovel of loose sequins, piles of books and half-finished paintings.
Do you do anything every day to high-vibe your home?
It’s great that this post has come up now! I’m not able at the moment to set up a temple/increase the general witchiness of my home right now (living in a flatshare and all that) but I’ve been planning for how I’ll have things and work them when I’m actually able to. Currently everything I have is in a corner of my bedroom and I try to burn incense as often as possible which gives things such a good vibe. And for some reason baking bread is a spiritual thing for me. I make all of my own bread so I’m baking weekly and laying out the first slices as offerings to my Mother and spirits. And who doesn’t love fresh made bread?