
  • Do Priestesses do Magic?

    Title over image of blonde, white, femme face smiling through bright sparks of light she is casting like magic.

    Well, Avalon Priestesses do magic! There are so many different ways to be a Priestess of Avalon. Some are more devotional, some are more practical; some earthed, some spacey…  … but magic is a part of all of them!  Magic is just arranging energy in alignement with your intent so your intention can blossom on the […]


  • Celtic Lover Goddesses, Sex, & Power

    Pink rose with title overlaid: "Celtic lover Goddesses, sex, and power"

    Here at Rockstar Priestess our Community space is called the Temple of Venus Morgana… because we are devoted to Aphrodite and Avalon! But let’s talk about the Celtic Lover Goddesses. There are lover goddesses in every culture – and within the Celtic Myths there are many lover goddesses, some very obvious and some much more subtle.  […]


  • Why the World Needs Priestesses

    Cover image - blonde, white woman in green cloak touches a tree tenderly, sunlight making them both glow, with title text overlaid. Photo by Timothy C Dykes on Unsplash

    Why the World Needs Priestesses. The world has forgotten the quiet skills of the Priestess. The Priestess is the bringer of Sacred Space, she who calls everyone back into presence. That’s her superpower. And our world… is dangerously lacking presence. We are not here. We are lost in our minds, in the internet, in our […]


  • Badass Secrets of a Mermaid Priestess

    Mermaids are the sacred essence of womanhood, including everything that is sweet and beautiful and, most importantly, everything terrifying and powerful – basically everything feminine that scared the bejeesus out of the priests and god-fearing chaps of the past. Sex. Death. Rebirth. Power. Feeling. Emotion. Desire. Beauty. All those intense, watery, uncontrollable things. Mermaids are […]


  • I am done with Spirituality.

    I'm done with spirituality

    Guys. I’m pissed off. I’m so tired of spirituality, I feel like I’m done with it and it can fuck off. I’m just tired of the pretending. I’m tired of the shoulds. I’m tired of trying to fit the spiritual stereotype to fit in, and feeling like I can’t be spiritual because I love money […]


  • I think that’s called a truth bomb

    So here it is. I was in bed, well past bedtime, and I was a little upset by something superman said. (I’d asked him a question and the answer wasn’t romantic enough, so I felt all put out in that weird I-should-be-offended way you get sometimes.) So I was sitting there, knackard as no-ones business […]


  • Me and my Higher Self

    I’m reading lotsa books right now, as ever – half out of one and half in the other. I’m also reading a lot of stuff about the Higher Self. The Higher Self is meant to be the Ultimate You really – the part of you hiding out under all the personality and ego and whatnot […]


  • Mama’s Words of Wisdom

    Life is a lot like climbing a mountain. Sometimes it’s easy going. Sometimes you look around you and the view is breathtakingly beautiful. Sometimes it’s really hard, and you are scrambling over rocks like clinging with your fingernails each step of the way. And sometimes, it’s just really boring. You might even feel a little lost along […]


  • Tween-ing into Winter

    Ooooh I love this season. I love it when it gets dark early, the pavements smell of earth and there are still enough leaves to kick at the side of the road. I think it’s partly because I am at my most productive after dark, when I feel like I’m not wasting the precious sunlight […]


  • Moment of Spiritual Sense

    As described before, I’ve been on a bit of a witchy rollercoaster of late. I took a short holiday break in Glastonbury, and coincided it with a workshop with Z Budapest, which I was pretty dissapointed by, and lots of rambling up and down the Tor and down country lanes meeting squirrels and stuff, which was fabulous. […]


  • Announcement! – One Month of Witchery

    I have decided to jump right in it. I have always wanted to be a goddess witch every day. To spend a little bit of every day doing something witchy and to connect with my spiritual side. I’ve always wanted to be one of those people who integrates their everyday life with their spirituality and […]


  • I’m onto you

    It’s funny how there are so many positive thinking/you can change your life/law of attraction/wicca 101/self help bestseller books out there all with exactly the same theme and information in it? And isn’t it funny that one person who is into that kind of stuff will probably own or have read about 5 – 10 […]


  • Let’s see how pointless mythology is.

    I’ve been reading Avalon Within by Jhenah Telendru and  am thinking about using mythology as inspiration. A long time ago, when I started reading grown up copies of the greek myths as oppose to the watered down illustrated kiddy versions, I decided I Did Not Like Greek Mythology. Let me sum it up for you: […]


  • Grumpy Goddess in a Bath

    So have I been mired in my own self pity these last few days. I’m a girl, I have ups, I have downs. So I completed the age old girly feel-better ritual – bubble bath, smelling of cuddles. And a book. Dipping into de Grandis for some words of wisdom (I promise, I do read […]