The death priestesses are returning.

We are the priestesses of endings. 

We hold the full circle of balance – that with every day there is a night, with every relationship there is a parting, and with all wisdom is hard-won experience.  

Our role as Death Priestesses is to bring the sacred back to these moments of ending and completion. We can hold the holiness of letting go, and create spaces for folks to release and feel whatever they need to so that they can complete a cycle in their lives. 

We are a companion for folks going through moments of grief and ending and help them process and embrace these times so that they may be transmuted by them. 

We don’t hide from the harder parts of life.

We train ourselves in service so we will know what to do when someone has lost a loved one, when someone is overwhelmed by existential grief, when someone is in need of a ceremony to close a door and release something that has already left. 

Because these skills are always needed… 

… and because these skills are forgotten – our youth-obsessed world has no idea how to process endings and is terrified of any kind of death and this leaves people lost, carrying around old wounds and forever unable to welcome in anything new. 

Death Priestesses are Practical Priestesses. We are out here in the world lending a hand, showing up for those who need us, offering circles and ceremonies and support wherever we can. 

In the Rites of the Underworld, we learn how to be there for folks in times of transition and work with the mystical and very practical aspects of physical death. 

???? We learn how to hold space for the dying and create ceremony for the grieving. 

???? We become ambassadors for death, helping release the fog of fear and aversion to death in the community so folks may have a good death when their time comes.  

???? We become ceremonialists of ending and release, performing funeral services for the bereaved, rituals to let go of past chapters and old lovers, and ceremonies to honour and grieve miscarriage. 

???? We understand how to offer our priestess skills and gifts to help and bring comfort to those suffering loss, and create systems of support for folk who are in need.

We show up, even though sometimes it takes a lot of courage to do this work. 

We believe in our mission as Death Priestesses – to bring the Sacred into every part of life, to midwife people fully through endings so that they may be rebirthed out the other side. 

Are you ready to show up?

Are you ready to be the death priestess in the world? 

Is this the kind of training you desire? 

We are quietly calling in a few more folks to study the death mysteries in our Rites of the Underworld priestess training, where you will be trained to be a phenomenal death priestess. 

Rites of the Underworld is one part of our Priestess of Avalon Training, where you learn the arts and skills of a powerful, potent Priestess of Avalon so you are ready to serve in the world.

If you’d like to learn more about training as a death priestess, join our Waitlist below. We run the class on alternate years in the autumn.