
  • Aphrodite Chooses Joy Free Mermaid Ritual

    Over on my Facebook Group, The Mermaid Sisterhood, we do regular mermaid rituals to top ourselves up with mermaid juice and to remember that life isn’t all about fulfilling obligations and cleaning up the old stuff from the fridge – it can also be about joy and freedom and mermaids and all the ocean feels. […]


  • Mermaid Moonday

    This week I lead a mermaid meditation over on my Facebook group, The Mermaid Sisterhood. Every month, usually around the new moon, I host an online New Moon Mermaid Party, so we can all connect with our inner mermaid self and remember how great it feels to live from Mermaid Space: free, totally luxuriating in […]


  • Badass Secrets of a Mermaid Priestess

    Mermaids are the sacred essence of womanhood, including everything that is sweet and beautiful and, most importantly, everything terrifying and powerful – basically everything feminine that scared the bejeesus out of the priests and god-fearing chaps of the past. Sex. Death. Rebirth. Power. Feeling. Emotion. Desire. Beauty. All those intense, watery, uncontrollable things. Mermaids are […]


  • 7 Seductive Traits of Mermaid Women

    The mermaid archetype is awakening in the world today, swimming up from the clouded depths to live among us. The wild, seductive, freedom-craving mermaid represents the feminine power of water – strong, nurturing, loving, pleasure-seeking and beautiful: yet at the same time untameable, fierce and shockingly independent. She is a shapeshifter, both tempestuous and seductive, […]


  • The FREE Selkie Surrender Challenge!

    This December I am offering a FREE five day challenge to connect with the mermaids and release all this crap we’ve been carrying around with us, ready for a new year. It’s called Selkie Surrender and it’s five days of connecting with the selkies through meditation, journalling and ritual to release all that stank baggage we have […]


  • Why Scorpio is the Sign of the Mermaid

    Earlier this year, I stepped into the unknown and had my first ever Astrology reading – which revealed incredible, seductive, mermaidenly information for Scorpios everywhere. See, I am mermaid all over. I am a mermaid priestess and I run mermaid vibes pretty much all the time as an intense, passionate lil’ ball of hyperactive energy who […]


  • 7 Magical Traits of Mermaid Women

    The seductive archetype of the mermaid is exerting a powerful force on the world at the moment. More and more Mermaid Women are coming out of hiding. These strong, magnificent women are different to the humans around them – you can tell by meeting them, talking with them, finding out who they are that they […]


  • What Mermaid Medicine do I need right now?

    I’ve been a-pondering the nature of mermaids a lot of late. As someone who is all mermaids, all the time, I often get asked, how can mermaids help me? Or, I’m a mermaid person, how can I get in touch with my power and make stuff happen? People who identify strongly with mermaids are usually […]


  • What your inner mermaid desperately wants you to know

    Deep within our hearts there is a sacred pool, where the wisdom of our hidden inner-mermaid echoes through our souls. The air is still. The water is dark. Long willow tendrils float in the shaded waters, blue lotus blossoms shyly emerge at the water’s edge, and overgrown weeds tumble over the borders. Your inner mermaid […]


  • Be More Mermaid E-course is Returning!

      Be More Mermaid is coming BACK to Rockstar Priestess! The original deep dive, all in Mermaid Spirituality E-course is returning! It’s a 5 week re-working of my original Mermaid Experience Course I ran in 2015, pimped and primped and infused with more mermaid wisdom than before. This baby is designed to plunge you into the realm of […]


  • Art on Fridays: The Lover Mermaid

    Aaaaaaand this week, we have a gorgeous LOVER mermaid tarot card! Woohoo! All sensuousness and glittering gold. She’s got rippling romantic pre-raphaelite hair, roses and jasmine aplenty, and two white doves symbolising everlasting love keeping her company.   She is detailed in gold, because what could be more luxurious than lovely gold edging! You know, […]


  • Last day to sign up for the Mermaid Experience!

    The Mermaid Experience course starts this weekend! It’s a five week deep dive immersion into the magical, spiritual, fantastic world of the mermaids. You’ll emerge from your swim with me chokka full of mermaid smarts, trusting your own inner knowing and feeling like an invincible, all powerful, no-fuck giving mermaid. No lies. It never ceases […]


  • Mermaids on the Motherhouse

    Motherhouse Guestpost

    I am super honoured to be a regular contributor on the Mother House of the Goddess, a MOST EXCELLENT website with loads, and I mean loads of epic Goddess information from utterly incredible priestesses with so much wisdom and goddess smarts to share. (I love to share my favourite nuggets from the MotherHouse on my Facebook […]