Today’s post is a video post!
Do you ever get caught up in fear and self doubt? Does it ever get so extreme that you can’t tell where you end and this horrible voice in your head begins (and start thinking maybe they are the same thing?)
I do. Sometimes I get so sucked into a doubt and fear spiral I doubt everything about myself ever. Do I even like purple? This thing I have spent the last 10 years of my life being obsessed with, do I actually like it? Or am I just confused?
When I am in Glastonbury, my favourite past time is walking the country lanes connecting and chatting with the Goddess. As we’d been building up the the Crone Conference, I got in touch with my old friend the Crone Goddess to help me find a way out of this one.
So here I am chillin’ out on the slopes of the Tor sharing some Wisdom from the Goddess about self doubt.