I’m not particularly domesticated. And I’m rubbish at kitchens and everything kitchen related, like feeding myself, remembering to empty the washing machine, and finding the motivation to clean it.
Problem is, dirty kitchens are gross.
Happily, Superman takes care of a lot of the feeding-me duties, partly because I get grumpy when I am not fed and I tend to want to cook even less when I am grumpy, and partly because he does not want to have to eat what I come up with. (Udon noodles, halloumi and peanuts anyone?). In return, I take care of most of the house-tidying duties, because he is pants at that and untidy rooms make me angry.
As we share the house with minimalist, very tidy BuddhaBear, we need to keep the kitchen tidy. And as Superman cooks dinner and is busy running about six businesses when he isn’t at work, in theory it’s my job to keep the kitchen clean.
I bought a book called Embracing the Moon by Jasmine Galenorn. In the book (it’s good!) it’s got a small section that reads thus:
“Wash all the dishes every night if you work with faerie magick. The faeries don’t like dirt and clutter and they won’t let you sleep until the kitchen is clean!”
I don’t want the faeries to avoid me because last night’s stir fry is still on the side!
If I was a faerie I would totally avoid me because of last night’s stir fry still being on the side. Faerie folklore is very explicit about how unkeen the fairies are on lazy peeps with dirty houses.
So I clean the kitchen up every night for the faeries.
Superman finds this very amusing.
But he totally supports the kitchen being cleaned for the faeries.
well, dammit, now i have to wash the dishes every night!
I know!!! sigh
oh, yea…hi from the witch-blog 😉
Too cute! Now I know why I feel uneasy when my kitchen is messy, LOL!
I must remind my husband to do the dishes each night 😉
I laughed when I saw the book you used to illustrate the post – I read it to my daughter earlier in the year. It was, erm, not quite what I e
xpected: http://witch-blog.com/2011/01/always-check-the-flaps/
What are you talking about? I always keep a farting lizard in my oven ;D
Well hell… now i have to go do the dishes! lol Great post!
OMG! I haven’t had a totally dish-free sink in a year. I THINK THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING!
Heehee! That’s so cute ~ I have a similar compulsion in that I cannot walk past trash in nature without cleaning it up for the fae 😉
Oh dear, I’m looking at a pile of last night’s dishes just waiting for me this morning. I usually wash dishes two times a day because I cook almost everything we eat from scratch… and that’s a lot of work. 🙁 I hate dishes! 😛 Okay… for the faeries then, I’ll make sure it’s clean in there. (I think I’ll get the morning dishes and have the men-folk do the evening dishes. Sounds good to me!)
Bright and beautiful blessings,
OY VEY! I nearly ALWAYS leave a dish or two. They probably wouldn’t like my disorganized closet either, eh? Shoot, now I’ve really gotta get to it!
I’m really disorganised and messy. I’m not sure if the faeries would get to the sink in my house or just faint from my closet first.
A dirty kitchen or bathroom can really ruin my day. I can survive a totally messed up house, but not the other two. I blame on my Grandma. She used to say “You can go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink, Magaly! What about if I die in the middle of the night and the entire village finds out that you don’t do dishes?” You would think that I would have other worries if my Grandma died, but it worked every time and I did the dishes.
Now I must do them every night because I always think my Grandma will come and pull my toes if I don’t.
I guess my faeries are as happy as yours 😀
Ha ha ha ha ! love it!
-looks around my horrendously untidy room- -gulps- Uh, I’ll be bakc later.. I have to tidy my house >_>
Although, I do find my keys more often when the room is messy 😛
That’s because when everything is messy you know where everything is – in the mess! When I have tidied up I can’t remember all the sensible clever places I put my things. 😀
Whatever it takes to make it work, right? I had a great mental image of faeries walking around your countertop pointing at your dirty dishes and holding their noses. 🙂 Personally, if the kitchen isn’t clean when I wake up in the morning, it totally saps all my energy and love for cooking or even being in the kitchen at all. Maybe I’m party faerie myself!
Hahaha, this post is awesome. You’ll be getting women all over the world to clean their dishes!
Totally. Maybe I should turn it into an internet campaign…