In a month’s time, I will be taking a group of magical souls to the magical market town of Glastonbury in Somerset, UK, for two days of ritual, meditation, dancing and connection with the land as we invoke the powerful transformation of Morgan le Fey at our summer Enchantress retreat!

I’m so excited!

Morgana is my teacher, my Goddess and the guiding star who has been weaving my life, and this summer we will be connecting with Her wild magical self – The Enchantress, the one who is passionate and innocent, who is fuelled by desire and ecstatic joy.

The Enchantress I feel is very different from the Witch. The Witch stands for wisdom, deep seeing, deep knowing, and shadowcraft. The Enchantress is fire, passion and faery – boundless energy, impulsive action and shameless desire. The Enchantress dances Her life into being, fuelling Her magic with joy and ecstasy. She is about magic worked though JOY and PLEASURE… which is so healing for those of us who feel we have been locked in shadow work for so long!

I’m excited as this is a new aspect of Morgan that has been emerging for me in the last year. I have spent over a decade working with Morgan le Fey as High Priestess, Sister, Initiatrix and Underworld Queen, and now She is revealing to me a new side. A less serious side!

I feel that the Enchantress holds a lot of healing for me personally, reminding me that life isn’t all about being serious, and that in Goddess Spirituality, Desire is sacred. The Enchantress reminds me of the fun of life, of witchcraft, of how beautiful the world is!

So. At our Enchantress weekend, we will spend two days in the magical vale of Avalon. I will be your guide – I will take you to the Tor, to the Orchard of Avalon, to the magical Faery Woods, to the sacred springs and wells. I’m going to lead you in deep, powerful ceremony to reclaim your Enchantress self, to see the world with the innocent and beautiful eyes of the Red Witch, to open new channels of joy in your manifestation abilities. I will teach you about the Enchantress Archetype, about Morgan le Fey, and together as a coven of sister witches, we will cast spells to enchant our desires to come to us, relax into trust, and dance barefoot on the sacred earth of Avalon.

Together, let’s awaken our inner Enchantress, and let Her lead us on a magical journey to discover our wild passion.

It’s going to be incredible. Summer in Avalon with Morgana!

If you would like to join us, click here to learn more.