This one’s not about having heebie-jeebie Jesus faith, so chillax pagan homies. It’s about having faith in abundance and making stuff happen. So almost as cheesy.

I think it’s really tough to have faith in stuff today, especially when we seem to mentally trained to not have faith in stuff – can I get my money back if this breaks? What if we don’t stay together forever? There’s no way I’ll be able to afford to go on holiday next year! We are pretty faithless, trained to see the stuff that could go wrong rather than the ways it could go right.

It’s funny how fear is just a way to put a full stop on stuff. It always goes like this:

OMG, that yoga retreat in Bali looks amazing! I would love to go, it’s exactly what I need, time off, and a chance to connect in with myself, maybe learn a new trade… oh my god it costs so fucking much! There is no way I am going to be able to afford that. I think I’ll keep looking at it though so I can feel sad and jealous and poor instead. FULL STOP END OF.

Having faith in stuff is a bit more like a comma.

OMG, that retreat in Bali looks fantastic! It’s exactly what I need, I would freaking love this. Right, it’s gonna cost about three grand: I’m sure there’s a way to come up with that. What can I do? Well, I can save x amount per month, I’ve got £30 in my purse right now so that’s a start, I need to do a big clutter clear out so perhaps I could get rid of some stuff on e-bay for the fund, I wonder what services I could do for peeps in exchange for some cash? Let’s have a think…..

Faith is like allowing there to be options. Letting the fear win is just a way to cancel stuff out.

Of course, what any good priestess-in-training would do is ask for help from Goddess/whatever to stump up the cash. Something like this.

Goddess, I feel your abundance and inspiration surround me now. I know you will provide me with the means to get to this beautiful retreat in Bali. I can feel you bringing it into my life right now, and I am certain that it is going to happen. I’m going. Thank you for guidance and inspiration in creating the money that will take me to Bali, and all the wonderful opportunities you are bringing into my life to facilitate this. I am open to your abundance Goddess.

I remind myself of the last line as much as I can, especially when fear starts sneaking back in.

The trick is being so decided that it’s gonna happen that there isn’t any option for it not to – having enough faith so that your thoughts can become one mega long possibility-riddled sentence rather than a little short sad one. When you do get a fear thought, you just have to tell it “Tough, this is happening dude, get on board”.

So here is for more commas and less full stops, and singing George Michael for the rest of the day (sorry guys).