This year I am crazy excited.
I am beginning the Priestess of Avalon training course in Glastonbury this year, starting this October.
I’ve wanted to do this course for six years, fallen in and out of love with the idea a bit along the way, and finally I’m putting on my big girl panties and doing it. It’s a side effect of the turning-25 thing. Time to stop wasting time lady.
And yes, I am paying for it. With money. As nice as as the idea of doing everything inexpensively by my self is, I can’t do everything on my own. I’m not a super person! To get to where I want, I need outside support, structure and accountability. And there is nothing wrong with that.
I think it could only have happened now, as its only in the last couple of years that I’ve begun to properly honour the spiritually obsessed part of myself and come to terms with that. It took a while to get here (… Erm, 10 years *cough*), but I am now cool with the fact that witchy spirituality is and always will be very important to me.
Woohoo! Onward to living the dream!
Oh! That sounds so exciting! I’m happy for you, and just slightly envious. 🙂 I’m 37, and yeah… you’re getting nowhere if you’re not doing anything to fulfill your dreams. Go!! 🙂
Aww… kinda jealous. Good luck with it!!
“I can’t do everything on my own. I’m not a super person! To get to where I want, I need outside support, structure and accountability. And there is nothing wrong with that.” I needed this today – it confirms a decision I’ve made! Good for you for going for it, and I look forward to hearing more about the course. It’s something that’s gently, quietly calling me too…and I am sure at some point I’ll do it, when the time is right.