I have been hunting, and I discovered that as part of the house move I did some five months ago, all my 101 books are back at my mum’s house, and I have only my favourites with me. Sigh. There goes all my 101 revision.

What I am learning however, is the power of prayer. For reals, witchy peeps. Every day, I do my daily devotions saying hello to the four elements and Goddess, then I talk to Goddess and ask her to be with me and open me up to her presence. There’s no point Her being around if I’m not going to notice, is there? There are a couple of prayers I use (mainly from Franchesca de Grandis books) that I also say in the morning as well or throughout the day.

And, amazingly, my life feels calmer, (dammit I KNEW this was the solution!) and I spend most of my time in Goddess Mode – I think about her more, I am less stressed, and I know I am reaching out to her which is something I have always wanted to do so I feel really good doing it.

I’ve always felt that prayer and feeling the connection (cos prayer isn’t just words, peeps) is one of the most important cornerstones of any kind of interaction with divine anything, and the most essential thing for me to focus on on my quest for Priestessfulness.

I’d love to hear your thoughts!