It’s Devotion Month here at Rockstar Priestess! So I wanted to share my own daily spiritual practice schedule with you.
Daily spiritual practice is so important to developing a strong, centred connection with the Divine, and it makes such a huge difference to how you experience your day. So I wanted to share with you some of the things I do every day to connect in.
NOTE: I am not perfect. I don’t always manage to fit in the amount of spiritual practice I intend each day, and sometimes I am in such a rush I don’t manage to fit the stuff in (or, it has been known, that I have been in a huff or in a grumpy mood with the universe and I don’t WANT to say hi even though I know I should. Humans, hey). Generally, I am a pretty disorganised person.
My Morning Devotionals.
When I have finally managed to prize myself from my cozy bed cloud (one of nature’s reluctant wakers here) I tumble towards my bedroom altar. Here it is as it looks this week.
I light a candle. Always.
Then I do one of a few things. Depending on what I feel like.
– Sometimes, I stick on a 5-7 minute track, or a 5 minute timer on my iPod and meditate. I listen to my breath and focus on opening up my heart to feel the Goddess.
– Sometimes I ground and centre, connecting myself with the earth, and the sky, and then with my sacred centre, radiating loving energy from my heart chakra. Sometimes I don’t. I go through phases. Currently I’m not super into grounding and centring, my mind wanders everywhere, so either I do it really quickly so I don’t get distracted or I skip it. Other times I am grounding and centring like 30 times a day. Things change.
– Usually, I call in the Wheel of Avalon/the Wheel of Brittannia. This is the wheel of the year as used in the Avalonian tradition. I go to each direction of the wheel (there are 9) and I say a prayer to each Goddess, praising her awesome and asking for her help in the day ahead. For example, my morning devotion to Domnu/Water Goddess, in the south of the wheel might look something like this:
“Domnu, Vivianne, Nimue, Mermaid Goddess, Great Goddess of Water (breathe and feel her energy coming in.) Today I call in your gifts of surrender, and unconditional love. Help me to surrender to the present moment today, to surrender to your divine flow and feel your waters guiding me. Blessed lady of the waters, of flow, of emotion, of luciousness and beauty, thank you for your presence in my life today. I call to your creatures, the seal, the dolphin, the fishes of the sea. Goddess, I breathe you in.”
I pretty much say whatever comes to mind. There is no script or anything. One day I might spend three minutes invoking each Goddess: the next, three sentences. Sometimes I will spend ages in the North-West talking to Kerridwen and getting advice from her. Sometimes I will linger in the South-east with Rhiannon feeling her delicious Beltaine energy. It changes every day.
I like to call in the animals too because I love animals.
After I have finished calling in, usually that’s it: I blow out my candles and get on with my day.
Sometimes I do other stuff, like I might do a mini mermaid meditation for five minutes, or say one of my favourite prayers by Franchesca de Grandis, or say a mantra on my mantra beads or my Avalon Rosary. My daily spiritual practice changes all the time, depending on what I think I need that day and how much time I have.
Usually I try to do some journalling in the morning too. I aim for three pages, but meh. I’m much more of an evening girl for journalling anyway.
Daytime Devotionals
During the day I’ll often burn essential oils as I work or light my office altar. My office altar has currently kinda turned into a massive vision board project at the moment. Here’s a little pic of part of it, featuring my two of my biggest inspirations, dancers Rachel Brice and Moria Chappell.
Evening Devotionals
In the evening, usually (if I’m not working or being naughty) I’ll go for a walk in the fields behind my house, or go to visit the baby horses across the road. You’ll see me talking and singing to myself: I’m usually chatting to Goddess and singing goddess songs. I like to touch everything I see and climb stuff.
Sometimes before I go to bed I manage to sneak in a bit of meditation or a pathworking. Not very often at all at the moment, but like everything, it waxes and wanes – sometimes I’m obsessive, sometimes I’m not. C’est la vie.
I’m really great at telling myself I should be doing X amount of awesome spiritual stuff every day like, do 20 mins of meditation followed by grounding and long call in, or spend an hour on spirituality first thing (Hah! That never happens any more!) but really these are all tricks I use to beat myself up and give myself more guilt juice and proof I am not “good enough”, whatever that means.
So I do what I like and feel like instead. I try not to make it a *should*. I try to make it a way to start an awesome day, a way to do something that will feel good, a way to feel like I am making progress towards my dreams. I try to motivate myself with carrots and the promise of good stuff (Yeah I get to spend some time lighting candles and stuff) rather than with sticks and punishment (if I don’t do this I am a bad person) because the stick just doesn’t work. If I go to that guilt place, I tend to get stuck there and am not great at finding my way out.
If I miss a day, I try really hard to be compassionate with myself. Part of my overall spiritual practice is to try and practice self love and be as kind with myself as I would be with my lover or with a puppy.
That’s it! I hope you found it inspiring: I’d love to hear your thoughts on daily devotional practice in the comments below.
I love your writing. I laugh, I cry and I am inspired. Thank youMuch love and light
Thank you so much Tracey! <3 love xxx
This is totally what I’m about. Thank you.