My Venus Story

Today I wanted to share with you my Venus story – why I love her so much, and what was the ONE THING that opened my eyes to be a Venus Aphrodite Evangelist.  

 I grew up, like most people (and many witchy folk) thinking that Venus and Aphrodite were silly, frivolous deitites. 

Who cares about love and beauty and all that stupid GIRLY stuff when I could be reasonable and achieve a lot and push harder?   

But 5 years and 8 months ago, I desperately needed a Venus intervention.  

I had just broken up with my partner of 7 years and I was utterly devastated. I thought we’d be together forever – heartbroken didn’t even cut it. I spent months in tears. I wondered around like ghoul of sorrow.  

To give you a brutal picture of how heartbroken I was, for years afterwards, people who saw me during that time would come up to me with kind faces and tell me how glad they were to see me happy again.  

😬 I’m not making this up. Eeesh. 

So. I’d just broken up with my boyfriend, I had nowhere to live and no money so I moved back into the tiniest smallest room at my Mum’s house, in a middle-of-nowhere town. I had no car, no savings, and nothing to do except binge-watch TV to stave off the sadness and play mournful songs on the ukulele. (…which I am sure really tested my Mum’s patience.) 

I remember after a few months of this boring misery I had a big FUCK THIS moment.  

Fuck this. 

I am not accepting this.

I am not letting this breakup destroy me, I am NOT letting that disappointment of a man/relationship ruin me and I am not letting my life be this stale, sad, pathetic thing. 


It was a moment of clarity in the misery and staleness.  

I wanted life to be fun again – I wanted to be free and single and enjoying the hell out of life… 

…but I just didn’t know HOW THAT WAS EVEN POSSIBLE. I didn’t know how to get to there from where I was. I had no clue – my brain just didn’t have the answers. 

Enter Venus.

Venus is the spirit of all that makes life feel amazing – she is love and friendship and parties and turn on. She is the taste of an exquisite chocolate cake, she is the pleasure of silk against your skin, she is the joy of dancing to your favourite song and she is the thrill of staying up late talking to your best friends. 

That’s Venus. That’s what I wanted my life to feel like. 

I figured, I didn’t know how to fix my life, but if I just brought in that spirit and energy of Venus, maybe she would?  

So I started calling Venus into my life and working with her every day. I practiced devotions to her, read books that were aligned with her energy, I practiced her arts of Temple Tending and Beautification.  

I had fun! My Venus Working was literally my favourite part of the day! I consciously brought her energy into my life, did things in honour of her, made decisions influenced by her. 

And it literally CHANGED MY LIFE. Only a few months of imperfect practice later, everything was different.  

I was invited to spend a month in Brazil studying sacred dance with all my accommodation and dance classes paid for, and I healed my heart as I sweated in class, drank caipirinhas with my friends and swam with Mama Yemoja in the ocean. (That’s miracle number 1.) 

When I got back, I started asking around about places to live and I found and moved into a PERFECT home, full of fine art and velvet sofas and puppy dogs and beautiful gardens and wonderful people, in a PERFECT location, for a STEAL of a price. (Miracle number 2.)  

I was spending the most fun times with my best friends, and was opening up to interests I’d totally forgotten about: I was back in Latin Dance class and napping in hammocks in the afternoons. I was filled with renewed confidence and hope for my work – in fact, I was inspired to create a new e-course and commit even fuller to my path as a Priestess. 

But this is the BIG magic – the biggest miracle that happened through this work: I remember about 6 months after I started my Venus Working, cycling my way back to my new home across fields of flowers, beaming with gratitude, going over and over in my mind… 

“…. I’m so lucky. My life is SOBEAUTIFUL. I live in the best place, have the most amazing friends, I am having so much fun…. I can’t believe how amazing my life is right now.” 

I was so full of genuine gratitude, I couldn’t stop smiling. My eyes would crinkle and tear up. 

Yup. For realsies. I became one of those people. 

never thought cynical little me would become one of those people, and I have judged people like that mercilessly in the past for being naive or pollyanna or whatever – but it happened. I was literally gobsmacked by how much I was loving my life.  

It’s actually a way of being that people like us can live, not just Gabrielle Bernstein and those new age wankers on Instagram. 

Five months after starting my Venus Working, I was already living the best year of my life – and Venus’ blessings were not over yet… 

… not only did I spend a whole month in the summer dancing and making new friends in Lisbon and going on tour with my friends’ performance company… 

… but I met the most handsome man I had ever seen at latin dance class. It was a romantic fairytale meeting, we fell in love at first sight and had the sexiest summer you could possibly imagine… 

….and we are still crazy about eachother today. It’s our fifth anniversary in one month’s time and we are still so happy, sexy and in love.  (Miracle number 4).  

This is the work of Venus. 


My life is forever changed because of that year I worked with Venus nearly every day.  She teaches you how to fall in love with life, how to open up to pleasure, and how open up to the possibility that life is miraculously fun

And, it’s EASY. You don’t have to work hard and struggle for it – the journey is a pleasure itself. The practice itself brings fun and joy to your life and makes things better.  

A year or two after I completed my working, I created The Venus Working.  

It’s a class that takes what I did and puts it into a handy 6 week format, so you can bootcamp the simple skills and practices to create your own Venus transformation in your life.  And it’s really good.  It changes lives.  It opens people up to how good things can be. 

Ready to change your life?

The Venus Working is for you if life is a little bit stale and you just know that there is more to life that you are missing out on right now.  It’s for anyone who wants more, who is stuck like I was in a groundhog day situation and can’t even imagine a way out.  

The Venus Working is a self study class you can take ANYTIME that teaches you to fall in love with life again and attracts opportunities, pleasure and fun that you could never have imagined for yourself – it’s a potent spell working for people who don’t know exactly what they want, but know they are ready for BETTER. 

Ready to learn more? 

Go check it out here!