I’m OVERJOYED to announce that Morgan le Fay Mystery School Priestess Training is open for registration until the 21st October.


What happens inside our year long mystery-school-slash-coven?

Well, my friends, we invoke the transformation of Morgan le Fay and invite her into our lives, surrender to her so she may transform us into who we are longing to become – who she needs us to be.

How do we do that?

My studying a curriculum of Morgana’s Arts. We deepen with the void, embody the archetype of the priestess, study ancient sisterhoods of priestesses, open to our intuitive and oracular powers, and we hunt our shadows and let them be transformed under Morgan’s power.

We open to play and joy, to the freedom of witchery, and to our deep mythic connection with everything in the world around us. We connect with the wild sexiness of Morgan le Fey and her sisterhood of Faery Queens, and relax into her healing waters.

You know, Morgan le Fey stuff – witchcraft, energy work, shadow hunting, priestessing, sex, goddess studies and healing – the good stuff.

Throughout the year we learn the arts of herbcraft with our Herb Professor In Residence Suzanne o’Gara – creating incense, tinctures, salves and teas, making home remedies and magical recipes and integrating Morgana’s most favoured herbs into our daily practice.

And at the end of the year, we join together in Glastonbury Avalon (where else?) for five days of blissful ritual, celebration, workshops and adventuring in the magical landscapes of south west England…

… initiating as Sisters of Morgan le Fey, dedicating to walk HER path in the world, in a powerful ceremony at her most sacred place in the world.


Simply put, it’s going to be the most magical year you could possibly imagine. My focus is on giving you what you need to blossom into what your vision of a Priestess looks like, and helping you come to an understanding of what that might look like.

It’s a BIG unlearning of what you’ve known before…

… and an opening up to ease and fate and truth and beauty.

I’m only interested in what works, and I’m only interested in things that can be applied and integrated and will make a difference to our every day lives, so my laser focus is going to be on that.

That’s my Capricorn side coming through.

Also, I am thrilled to the core by shining a light on our shadow places, and learning to integrate our deepest shames, aversions, and fears into wholeness, so we will do a lot of that too.

Just colour me Scorpio.

It’s the biggest, most beautiful thing I have ever created, and it’s all in honour of my guiding goddess, Morgan le Fay. I believe in her power to transform you into who you need to become. She holds us and teaches us exactly what we need to learn to stop hiding and start shining. She moulds us into what she needs for us to do her work in the world, and it’s beautiful and sexy and exciting and terrifying all at the same time.

She is the midwife of transformation.

So, if you would like to find out more about this sexy adventure, pop on over to this page here to learn about what happens in the course, and if you have any questions, just pop me a message and I will answer all your concerns.

Remember, you have until October 21st to sign up!