Why the World Needs Priestesses.
The world has forgotten the quiet skills of the Priestess.
The Priestess is the bringer of Sacred Space, she who calls everyone back into presence. That’s her superpower.
And our world… is dangerously lacking presence.
We are not here.
We are lost in our minds, in the internet, in our anxieties – in the pain of knowing far too much about the suffering of the world, the grief of a world that is dying around us, and the hopelessness that comes with feeling so powerless to make any profound change in a culture dominated by rapacious billionaires and for-profit capitalists.
Our focus is fractured and we spend our lives distracting ourselves from the pain we don’t know how to heal.
Presence is the medicine.
Priestesses are unafraid to sit with the churning emotions until the water stills and together we can point to the truth mirrored in the depths.
They are not afraid of discomfort, which is just as well because the path to presence is often paved with it.
How many spaces are there where we are able to be witnessed in our reality without needing to fix it or soothe it away into something more comfortable for those around us?
There aren’t any.
This is what Priestesses bring.
Our world is poisoned by toxic power and toxic leadership. Seeing everyone else as the enemy, by losing ourselves in the illusion of competition and scarcity and the fears of being weak. We cannot be vulnerable because we do not see how that could possibly be safe, as weakness is our deepest shame and no one can be trusted to hold it.
Priestesses get to be the gentle leaders in their communities modelling a different way. We can’t wait for the people in charge to change, because they are committed to their greed and lost in their lust. By creating spaces that feel so utterly alien to the damaging power-over culture we have been trapped within, the priestesses create pockets of healing and relief that ripple outwards across the world.
This broken world needs Priestesses to stitch back together the shattered communities.
With the endless choice of the internet age we feel more dissatisfied and disconnected than ever from our lives, as we compare our life achievements to strangers. There is no point learning the guitar for fun because there is a six year old in Vietnam who can already play Hendrix flawlessly, so what’s the point? Our joy has been sucked from us, value is only placed on what can be sold and marketed, and life feels cheap, disposable and meaningless.
Without reminders, without anchors to ground folks in the innate beauty of life’s journey, we are lost.
This is the role of the Priestess.
We need Priestesses to honour life’s passages as sacred, to mark the movements of the seasons and the changes in life with anchors of sacred presence, so folks can fully receive the fullness of their lives.
The world needs priestesses.
It doesn’t know it yet.
But it does.
It doesn’t need priestesses who only serve other goddess-loving folks.
Every part of humanity needs the Priestess.
We need Priestesses who lead with service, not with dogma. Who tend life. Who bring their priestess skills to book clubs and red tents, to PTA meetings and everyone having a life experience who wants a sacred anchor.
We need priestesses creating sacred spaces that are open to all people – that anyone with curiosity can come to without needing to join a club or convert to a religion or know the secret handshake.
The world needs priestesses.
And if you are someone who is brave enough to step up and BE that priestess that the world needs…
… to begin creating those circles, anchoring those special moments, and seeding those sacred spaces…
… my Priestess of Avalon training is here to help you.