drowning-in-sapphireCurrently I am obsessed with the colour blue: more specifically, Sapphire Blue.

Drops by Jen MacNeill:
Beautiful image found via Pinterest from Jennifer MacNiell on Flickr.

At the moment I am taking a course with Elayne Kalila Doughty based on the 13 Moon Mystery School and the work of Ariel Spilsbury. In the 13 Moon Mystery School, a lot of focus is put on being a Priestess of Presence, of being present in the now as the method for the divine to flow through you and radiate outwards. I  feel like presence is a HUGE part of a priestess’ education and I am so looking forward to rotting deeper into this.

The colour of the Priestess in the 13 Moon Tradition is a deep, powerful sapphire blue: the colour of water, of royalty, of memory. I’ve been trying to submerge myself in it this week – it’s a colour I find hard to clearly visualise, so I’ve been Pinteresting like a demon to get more yummy blue in my life.


Sapphire blue would once have been one of the most precious colours. Back in ye olden Rennaissance times, Ultramarine pigment (made from ground up Lapis Lazuli stones) was famously more expensive than gold so only the most wealthy art patrons would be able commision paintings with this vivid blue paint in them.

Virgin Madonna, Cusquena School of Art; stars, symbols of heaven, decorate her blue cloak.:
The Virgin Mary, resplendent in her bad-ass priestess robes of Lapis Lazuli. Image Source: Pinterest

Lapis Lazuli paint was the only blue availible of this vibrancy, and only the best artists were usually able to work with it. Blue is traditionally the colour used to paint the Virgin Mary’s robes with, partly to make her stand out, partly cos it looks great under candlelight.

How amazing is it to think of all these fabulous rennaisance works of art honouring the Goddess Mary by literally painting her with Lapis Lazuli?

Lapis Lazuli is known as a stone of psychic power and healing. It’s thought of as a powerful aid for intuition, meditation and for opening the third eye chakra. I’ve read that it resonates with the frequency of truth and enlightenment, and if that’s so no wonder it’s been used in swanky ceremonial jewelry for thousands of years.

On the note of the fabulous priestess stone Lapis Lazuli, I’ve been lusting after this Mala Necklace from Tiny Devotions for a while now. Guh. Yes please Universe.

Guh! Image Source: TinyDevotions.com