
  • Mabon as the Season of Earth

    I  known that in regular wiccan-inspired paganisim Mabon is usually thought of as the season of water.  Not to me.  I have been following the Avalon tradition of Kathy Jones for the last five years, and to me the Autumn is the season of earth. Why is that? ‘Cos it makes sense. Usually the season […]


  • Summer Solstice!

    Summer Solstice is one of my favourite festivals. The other favourites include Beltaine, Spring Equinox, Imbolg, Winter Solstice, Samhain, Autumn Equinox and Lammas. Woohoo! Today, it is muchos cloudy, with the expectation of rain. Well. it can’t be all sunny all the time. At the weekend I changed my altar for the Summer Solstice. Midsummer […]