
  • The Goddess at the Spring Equinox

    The Spring Equinox, also known as Ostara, happens every springtime when the daytime and nighttime are of equal legth: Equi-nox! Ba boom! In the Glastonbury Avalonian Tradition, the Spring Equinox is the festival of the Goddess of Fire. All the plants and leaves are awake and frantically growing for their lives. It’s a time of […]


  • 7 Simple Ways to Celebrate Imbolg

    At this time of year, us witchy goddessy folk celebrate Imbolg on February 2nd here in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the festival of renewal, rebirth and purification, and one of the four great neolithic Fire Festivals in the pagan calendar. At Imbolg we celebrate the coming of spring and the Goddess as Maiden, with her […]


  • The Season of the Void

    I think of this season between Samhain and Yule as The Void. Utterly empty. Inbetween. Death. The time of rest and hibernation. The time inbetween Samhain and Yule is the incubation, the preparation, the rest before rebirth. The decay and the fading away. The sun is winding down to it’s weakest strength, it’s coldest temperature, it’s […]


  • How to Heal your Inner Child at Imbolg

    imbolg healing ritual post

    Imbolg this Weekend! Witchy Alert! Time to get planning our Imbolg Ritual! This Sunday February 1st, pagan and witchy types all around the northern hemisphere celebrate Imbolg, or Candlemas, the start of Spring! Hurrah! Well, sort of. It’s still pretty wintery here in England. In the Avalonian Goddess Tradition, at this time of the year […]


  • Celebrating the Winter Solstice

    Celebrating the Winter Solstice

    Midwinter Solstice is the festival of the Goddess of Air in the Avalonian tradition. I know this time of year is full of parties and shopping and mad feat cooking and hosting and late night emergency present buying on Amazon, but that’s just the human side of things. What is nature up to right now? […]


  • The Summer Solstice in Glastonbury

    The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year This Summer Solstice I was in Glastonbury for the hottest, sunniest Solstice evening ever! and the shortest night, is seen as either the height of summer or the start of summer (take your pick) and is an obvious celebration day for pagans and hippy types the […]


  • Why Frogs? I hear you ask.

    It is still Samhain Season. It hasn’t turned just yet – the leaves are still turning and still falling in my corner of the world, though I can see and feel Winter coming because it’s bloody cold in my house. I’m an animal person. I cast my witches’ circle calling in the animals of the […]


  • Mabon as the Season of Earth

    I  known that in regular wiccan-inspired paganisim Mabon is usually thought of as the season of water.  Not to me.  I have been following the Avalon tradition of Kathy Jones for the last five years, and to me the Autumn is the season of earth. Why is that? ‘Cos it makes sense. Usually the season […]


  • Witches’ New Year = More Fun Please

    Why Hello there! It’s been a while! Samhain was awesome/odd, like most of my festival celebrations – I feel like I should be doing more/digging it more/riding high on a crazy wave of elite witchiness all day, and then when I don’t I feel really down and confused. But I freakin’ love Halloween. I wore […]


  • Mermaid Pumpkin!!

    For Halloween, I made a Mermaid Pumpkin. (!) I also asserted my title as the world’s worst photographer. Evidence forthwith: and glamorously unlit How awesome is that?!?! I wanted originally to just make a scary crone face, in honour of the Samhain Crone, but I had a blank canvas/pumpkin and it NEEDED to be filled with a […]


  • The Samhain Crone

    “The Crone is a shapeshifter, the young embraced by the old, the woman with the animal inside or beside her. I think this is what makes her so damned scary. She screams our fears into the night, and forces us to confront ourselves”.* I’m not sure we’re (well, I’m) so great at Crones. The problem is, […]


  • Elements of the Wheel of the Year

    I’ve found the traditional elemental associations of the wheel of the year a little odd, always. I think it’s regularly earth in winter, air in spring, fire in summer, and water in autumn, and so they are associated with each of the season’s exquinoxy events. But, like wands being associated with fire in the Tarot, […]