The one thing you need to understand as a priestess entrepreneur

Here’s the ONE THING I really want you to understand as a priestess entrepreneur to be able to do your work and service from a sacred lens.

Your work is not YOUR work.  

You are a VESSEL for your work – you are the conduit through which this particular brand of healing enters the world, wether that’s tarot readings or reiki or burlesque performance or graphic design.  

Your work IS NOT you.  

So much of the time we mix our identity up with our work and make it about US and our self-worth stuff, not about the work itself and not about the people we serve. 

When we do this, we call in hella fear and insecurity because we begin to hang our worth on our work… and usually that’s a MASSIVE downer that leads us to say and think things like: 

🎓  I need to be more on an expert before I can help people 

🤦‍♀️ I can’t charge that much – I’m not worth it 

🤑 Who the fuck am I to coach people/create a priestess training/ask people for money?

📱 I can’t show up on instagram to share this because I am not good enough, what if everyone can tell and they hate me?  

🗑 Jeez what if I get a client and it doesn’t work? I WILL BE RUINED 

We need to take a priestess lens on this to heal it, because I am sure you know that no amount of “I am worthy” affirmations calm the squirmy feeling in your tummy when you think about raising your prices.  

We gotta think about this from a priestess lens, not a business lens.

The thing about the Priestess is that she has what our regular human self does not – she has distance and perspective. 

She has a little bit of space from the human experience, all those feelings and emotions and dramas. She is like our Higher Self, or our Soul Star Chakra – floating a little bit above so she can see the bigger picture and the real patterns and motivations behind things.  The priestess is also a CHANNEL. She knows that not everything is on her – she is just a conduit for something bigger than herself. 

When we apply this to our work, when we step into our priestess and take that higher perspective we can clearly see where we have been getting in our own way in business – and more importantly, getting in the way of helping the people we are here to help.  

When we step into becoming the CHANNEL for our work, not the SOURCE of our work – when we step out of trying to hold the wholeness of what we do ourselves step in and become the PRIESTESS for the work (remembering a priestess is here to tend and hold space and love things) we are able to show up for our sacred work in a whole new way. 

We are able to shift our focus from being about US (what if I’m not good enough? It’s bad to receive money for my spiritual work) to focus on who we are here to SERVE… 

… and we HAVE to focus on service. We HAVE to trust that there are people out there who desperately need exactly what we have to say – us, right now, at our imperfect path on the road. We have to trust the work, trust our channel, and trust the divine.  

Priestesses are here to serve.  And to show up.  

We need to be the priestess OF our business.

If we are making it about us, our worth and what we are “allowed” (letting fear and ego run the show) we are missing our higher priestess purpose in this work which is to tend the work and serve.  

This is the KEY POINT I really want you to get – this is the HUGE SHIFT that is going to make a world of difference in how able you are to show up for your people.  

And this priestess lens for our work? This is what I lead from in ALL my programs for my business witches.

It is the heart of doing business in an authentic spiritual way. We can’t lead that from our regular human mind – we HAVE to lead from our priestess to bypass all the doubt and insecurity and smallness.  

This is what HEALS us and enables us to stop being insecure and broke and frustrated and rise up into becoming Prosperity Priestesses.

Feelin’ this? 

Comment below and let me know how this is settling in your mind and body. How does this reframe change your approach to your sacred work? 

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