Sometimes this comes across as an unpopular opinion, but I believe that Priestesses have gotta be good at spellwork.
Because I believe choice and personal power is a big part of being a modern day priestess.
I believe that your uniqueness is what makes you an excellent priestess, and your will and power to choose is what will make you you.
No one needs an empty desire-less void of personality masquerading as white light – the point of being a priestess isn’t to transcend humanity, it’s to deepen into it.
For us in goddess spirituality, desire isn’t a dirty word – neither is money, or material objects, or anything a human person could possibly want to have or possess.
? Desire isn’t evil. We all have desire because it’s how we are programmed, it’s pointless to pretend otherwise. Wherever that story lives in you is just a place where the patriarchy is still messing you up.
? Everything is goddess. Not just things the ol’ churchy bros approve of.
? Physicality isn’t evil either. It’s to be celebrated and enjoyed.
Really all a spell is, is a clear intention backed up by energy and action. It’s you telling the universe “this is how it is thank you very much” and the universe going “well ok then”.
⚡️ It’s you CHOOSING your fate.
⚡️ It’s you PARTICIPATING in your life.
⚡️ It’s you CO-CREATING with the divine.
Spell craft is a remembrance that we have the goddess WITHIN us, and that we are goddess – we are co-creators in this reality, and when we work magic we are simply holding that responsibility with consciousness, clarity, focus and intention – how very High Priestessy of us.
It’s a remembrance that we are creating our reality ALL THE TIME and we can choose to do it unintentionally and get weird outcomes or do it intentionally and create greater cohesion and joy in our life.
We don’t get to sit back passively and wait for the divine timing for everything we want but won’t admit that we want to fall into our lap. No! Choice is sacred and knowing yourself is the !
Your will is a sacred tool. It’s a gift – you have it for a reason. You get to use it in pursuit of your truth, curiosity and delight.
As much as us on the priestess path rock the ways of the Divine Feminine, it’s not possible to JUST operate in your Energetic Feminine because you are a blend energetic masculine and feminine.
Just as without the Feminine vision and fuel, the Masculine just rushes off into empty action chaos without cohesion or meaning, without the Masculine structure to hold the Feminine all that divine goodness just kind of dribbles around not making anything happen.
Luckily for priestesses who are a little witch-phobic, spellcraft is such a wide topic. It’s not all gathering nine sacred herbs on the full moon and saying an incantation (though doesn’t it sound fun?). It’s also all the more mundane magical methods that have bled into the mainstream and are never referred to as spells at all – methods that just decades ago would have been only available to a tiny amount of spiritual seekers. Things like creative visualisation, guided meditations, vision boards, manifestation, affirmations, journal scripting… it’s all just undercover spellcraft.
It’s not so much that priestesses have to be the best spell caster this side of the Atlantic, it’s more that they just have to be willing to work their will.
They can’t be shy of their desires. They can’t be afraid that if they allow themselves to claim what they want it’s going to poison them – that’s nonsense. They can’t be afraid of their power and their ability to change and affect the world around them.
Power is not evil – it’s just influence, and the more big-hearted priestesses we have working their will in the world and changing the way it operates the better.
How do you feel about priestesses and spellcraft? Are they a match made in heaven… or do you believe a priestess should be above such physical trappings such as desire and spells? Let me know!
Want to learn the Priestess’ way of casting spells?
Join my Enchantress Challenge!
At the Autumn Equinox this year I am hosting a FREE five day witchy priestess CHALLENGE to make the most of the most magical time of the year – Autumn!
Each day for five days we will join together to perform a ritual, ceremony or spell… and the best part is, it takes LESS than half hour a day to join in! YUSSS.
Last year this challenge was so loved I decided to do it again – so will you be there?