Today I am answering the question… What does a Priestess DO?

It’s a funny one… what can a Priestess actually DO other than meditating and looking after shrines and doing all that juicy devotional work?

How can she serve? 

And how can she be financially nourished for her service?

I wanted to help you take the mystery out of this conundrum and see all the myriad ways that you can actively priestess.

Three pillars of Priestess Service:

Community and Circle Facilitator ️⭐️ Ceremonialist ️⭐️ Spiritual Support

These are the three pillars of service that Priestesses can provide other people – it usually falls into either ceremonialist service, spiritual support, or bringing people together as part of an experience. Often they all happen at the same time! 

These could look like:

Women’s Circle Facilitator ✨ Manifesting Coach ✨ Handfasting Celebrant ✨ Red Tent Leader ✨ Funeral Guide ✨ Dream Life Creation Circles ✨ Retreat leader ✨ Event organiser ✨ Inner Goddess Weekend Workshop Facilitator ✨ Alchemise your Anger circles or workshops ✨ E-course creator ✨ Spiritual Empowerment Coach ✨ Tarot Reader ✨ Witchy Party Host ✨ Death Doula ✨ Grief Ritualist ✨Meditation Teacher ✨ Oracle ✨ Storytelling Circle Facilitator ✨ Drumming Circles ✨ Rituals of release ✨ Empowerment Guide

So many options!

However, the true magic of what to do as a priestess is the marriage of your skills, passions and obsessions with your priestess path.

For example:

✨ Dance + Priestessing = Dance circles, sacred dance workshops, sacred dance theatre, ecstatic dance rituals…

✨ Herbalist + Priestessing = Foraging tours, herbal tea parties, plant medicine journeys, connecting with the plant spirits, herbal healing classes…

✨ Crafting + Priestessing = Knitting and storytelling circles, yoni painting workshops, paint your dreams workshops, weaving ropes and birthing bands workshops and sacred circles, vision board creating workshops, chalice painting workshops….

AND then we get to merge your favourite divine energies and guides with your work, to create even MORE amazing magic!

Here are some yummy examples to get your juices flowing:

✨ Venus + Priestessing = inner goddess retreats, pussy magic empowerment classes, adornment ceremonies, anointing ceremonies, Venusian marriage preparation/bachelorette ceremonies, Full Moon bathing events, I love my life circles, Handfastings, Inner Marriage ceremonies, Venus photoshoots…

✨ Hecate + Priestessing = Tarot reader, psychopomp, death doula, funeral guide, Spellcasting circle facilitator, Herb-themed circles and workshops, dark moon resting circles, Scrying workshops, Ghost-hunting tours, Celebrations to honour the dead, creating a community herb garden, Oracle workshops, Spiritual coaching and support…  

✨ Gaia + Priestessing = River clean-up days, Blessingway ceremonies for mothers to be, healing circles for burnt out activists, women’s circles, leading nature walks, fireside story telling and singing circles, running women’s empowerment events and festivals, 

You get to have FUN WITH THIS!

You get to combine all of what you are with your divine service – whether you are a singer or a HR consultant or a yoga teacher. 

And it’s all so needed. 

People need ceremony, connection and support. 

It’s the missing heart of our modern world.

And you can provide it for them. 

Let me know: What would YOU love to combine Priestessing with? 

Ready to train as a Priestess of Avalon?

The doors for Priestess of Avalon Year are open for registration!

If you are ready to transform your life and step into being the priestess you have always dreamed of being, this is for you.

It’s a big deal, and everyone who chooses to step up and train as a priestess in this way is giving the world a HUGE gift! 

Click below to learn about the training, or drop me an email to set up a time to talk about it with me.