I’ve been at the magical Glastonbury Goddess Conference this last week – it’s an amazing yearly festival of all things goddess, full of talks, ceremonies, parties, rituals, and this year we have had the opportunity to experience a lot of goddess embodiment…

…. but what does it mean to be an embodiment of the goddess? 

Three to five thousand years ago in Minoan Crete, known to be our last European goddess culture, the goddess was experienced by the people through the vessel of her priestess. 

We have lots of carvings, paintings and seals that depict what is called the “epiphany” of the goddess – the goddess descending (often in the form of a bird) to earth as the priestess holds out her arms to receive her into her body


The Goddess would be made manifest in the world by taking on the hands, heart and eyes of a human devotee. 

And our mind-focused culture supposes that she must have dispensed oracles, made judgements, talk and do stuff that makes use of this very specialised and scarce resource of an embodied goddess…

… but it’s much more likely that the Goddess just emanated presence and love through her vessel of the Priestess, and the key point is that this wasn’t scarce. This was just a part of every day life for the Minoan people. Goddess was not only in every hill and tree and rock but embodied in her priestesses in every town and village, so there were hands that could hold you.   

We have thrones decorated with moons in council chambers in the ancient ruins of the labarythine cities of Minoan culture in Crete – thrones where perhaps the priestess sat, embodying and projecting the love presence of the goddess as the elders decided the next course of action for the town. 

We have archeological evidence that the priestesses would sit at the windows of their houses and be the goddess, shining her embodiment and channeling her energy for everyone, so you could be on your way to the bakers house and receive a hit of divine love on your way, or give an offering of herbs from your hearth to the goddess in person and receive her presence in return. 

Can you imagine having an embodiment of the goddess two doors down from you, that you could pass every day and feel the Goddess as a part of your every day life, in your town, knowing the names of the babies and the elders and the heartaches of the people?  

Before the divine was separated from the earth she was considered a part of every day life.  

This is a big culture shock for modern folk. We are so used to the divine being so perfect, so much better and higher than ourselves, that to truly embrace the idea of Her being embodied through human vessels is a big ask. From centuries of the church enforcing and elitist hierarchy over who was allowed to access the divine and who was not, the idea of regular people being able to connect with and embody the goddess without decades of punishing study or “proving themselves” is revolutionary. 

Because if the Goddess was PRESENT in your town at the priestess house every Tuesday night, you could just go to her and receive her love every week. No heroic quest, no spending all week meditating so you can raise your vibration enough to receive her. She’s just there. And you can have that communion with her. And you don’t have to prove anything to deserve it. 

Isn’t that phenomenal?

Wanna come experience a powerful goddess embodiment for yourself?

Come to the annual Glastonbury Goddess Conference in Glastonbury UK! It’s 6 days of incredible goddess talks, ceremonies and magic held in the magical landscape of Glastonbury Avalon – there is really nothing else like it!

It’s always held at Lammas time, the end of July and the start of August: go learn more here!

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