Danu goddess of winter paintingArt Post! It’s been a while.

This past winter solstice I finally finished an art piece I started at this time last year. It’s a big ol’ watercolour in honour of Danu, the Goddess of Air and winter in my tradition.

It’s got frosty silver snowflakes all over the place, skeletal trees and her creatures, the eagle and the owl. I always associate her with burial places, so it’s got some neolithic spirals on the cold stone to remind me of West Kennet in Wiltshire and Newgrange in Ireland. I wanted to paint the bleached-out colours of winter, the dead reeds (we visited an ancient gorgeous marsh in the Somerset Levels this time last year in Priestess Training) and the grey-brown colours of the naked trees.photo (65)
Danu always wears white in my experiences of her and has piecing blue Dumbledore-esque eyes. She is all about presence, intention and centred-ness. I have found her a huge inspiration this last year, and am developing a goddess dance workshop based on her, because for me she really comes through in dance. Presence after all means being-in-the-present, and dancing is the best way I know to do that!

I’m going to be turning her into a little card for sale on my Rockstar Priestess Etsy Shop, so look out for her!