• I HAVE been drinking herbal tea!!!

    …. but I havent mastered the ability of finishing it before it all goes cold. I have lots to say (as usual, I don’t shut up in the real world) but I am exhausted, so i’m gonna take a break and come back for faery related happenings.


  • The Return of the Faeriedaughter

    Aaah its autumn. We all know what that means – a return to school. At last, my sleepy university town is repopulated, I have people to lunch with, to talk to and to party with, and loads of good intentions about how great my last university year is going to be. Alas, but for the freshers […]


  • Return to Goddess Conciousness

    Finally, I am re-motivated to get down and dirty spiritual-wise again. Not too dirty though. Slow steps, bit by bit. This has been motivated by depressive feelings. A long and lonely summer stretching endlessly onward does tend to get you down. The Guy has gone home for a few weeks, and I have the flat to myself. […]


  • Dooom!

    After my ridiculously positive relationship-based post, I reveal to the world that I am no more together than anyone else by saying that The Guy has a new Girlfriend, and I am Not Ok with it, even though I said and thought I would be. I know this girl, she is lovely and pretty and […]


  • God damnit what is with all the flies?

    Nice lazy morning today – woke up and lay in bed daydreaming, it could have been any hour, and considering I am a jobless student time is not a construct that applies to me. Pleasantly discovering that it was only 14;15 I toddled along to the bathroom to do bathroom related activities. There are bluebottles […]


  • Sex and the City Movie is Goddess Relevant..

    … or at least I believe so. Going through a bad romantic stretch, one would think that the last thing one would need is a film with a romantic-based plot. How wrong could you be! For a sad 20 year old, watching a film about strong independent 40-something women finding love and having trouble getting […]


  • The Slothwoman

    Many moons ago I bought and read Z Budapest’s Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries. A lot of it I don’t agree with – free lady love under a moon, being one of them – but a lot of it is inspiring and feministly good. One subject she touches upon is the Slothwoman, described in other […]


  • House and Cuddy.

    As aforementioned, I am obsessed with House and Cuddy on House MD. Lisa Edelstein is just so beautiful, and even though I fancy him as House, Hugh Laurie himself is actually the kind of guy I would fall for in real life, my fantasy world being a silly place. But everyone, wise up! In all […]


  • A sad thing

    On one of the sites I currently frequent, there is an influx of teen wiccans – some mature sensible types and many not so. One person there is adament that a Warlock is any witch who is not wiccan, that has “gone against their teachings” and subsequently gone down a bad path. Oh dear. Has […]


  • Faeriedaughter Loves House

    House rocks my funbox. Five truths I have learnt from house; 1. My attraction for men twice my age apparently includes limping sarky stubbly assholes. 2. Although I am male-oriented I would marry Cuddy and give her babies. Somehow. 3. Hugh Laurie is a genius. 4. House and Cuddy are so made for each other […]


  • Back to Avalon

    Recently I bought “Priestess of Avalon – Priestess of the Goddess” by Kathy Jones, and it got me thinking. I was not sure about it during the first few chapters, but then I read her beautiful chapter on her Creation Myth of Avalon, and everything I had read in the book clicked into place. I […]


  • Who wants wings? I want wings!

    The most awesome site and company in the world is fairylove. They are in the links section if you would like a browse. It is run by these two lovely people, Shelly and Jason. I hope they don’t mine me posting their picture on my site. They make fairywings for a living, but not just […]


  • The Faeries Save my Ass

    Panic! I haul my art stuff into college and retire to the printing rooms to pick up my Indian Hand prints and quickly frame them, but they had disapeared! I searched all over the place for them, but mostly resigned to the fact that I was going to have to re-print them all. On my […]


  • The Faeriedaughter

    I am a wiccan witch with a faerie slant. I adore the world of faeries, mermaids, witches and goddesses, but I keep it on the low as I am a serious university student. I have been on the witchy path for around 7 years now, and I believe that it the right path for me. […]