My 9 Step Priestess Training Blueprint

Learn how to be a truly amazing, transformational, unstoppable Priestess with my 9 step Priestess Training Blueprint!

Here is my blueprint, my master plan, my super-guide to how to train to be the most badass priestess you know.

1. Root into devotion. 

You are being called to the Priestess path because you LOVE IT and something about it lights your heart and sets it aflame. 

Your work is to approach your training from the lens of devotion!

Fan this flame of love and keep it burning strong, allow your motivation to be from love and delighted excitement only, and watch out for the ways that you over-burden yourself or push or punish yourself to be “better”.

I know this sounds like a basic-ass step, but it’s so important to create this foundation of devotion as our fuel and feed it so your fears and ego gremlins don’t derail you later.

2. Play to find your connection with Goddess

Your connection with the Divine is your source, your home, your fountain of energy as you walk this path of the Priestess. You can’t priestess without it! 

This connection is going to be unique to you and you need to give yourself permission to PLAY to find your favourite way! Disregard what you “should” do and follow what lights you up… cos if it’s not fun, you aren’t gonna do it.  

You are going to have your own ways you connect, and it’s not always going to look like sitting quietly meditating. Give yourself permission to expand outside the patriarchal norm and make spiritual practice something BIGGER. 

You gotta find your own path to the divine. For me, even though I’m all about living the path and arts of Avalon and guided in a big way by Morgan le Fay, I’m in love with Aphrodite as my Goddess with a Big G. I’m Avalon + Aphrodite, and that’s totally OK… and it creates my own unique kind of priestess magic, combining ecstasy with Avalon. It’s great!  

3. Get real – what kind of priestess do you want to be?

What is your calling as a Priestess? Are you longing to be the person who facilitates spiritual experiences for others? Or are you just wishing to live within the sacred rhythms of devotion in your own life? 

Why do you desire this? 

There is no shame in whatever you want. 

Have a look at where this desire and calling is coming from – is it a heart-based desire, or an ego-based one? Again, no need to judge: even an ego based desire can be fuel for an act of big spiritual service and transformation.

For a long time I wanted to be a priestess because I had a shadow desire to abdicate all responsibility and choice to Goddess. I wanted to know the right way all the time and not have to make my own decisions. (Alas, the priestess path is a lot about making conscious choices, which is a big disappointment to my ego!) I also wanted to be a priestess because it’s like being “the best at goddess stuff” and it would mean I am finally good enough.  

It’s ok to root from a wounded place – we are just human after all. I grew out of those motivations as I understood and had love for the fears being them, which is the natural progression of these things if you are on a compassionate spiritual path and keep evolving as a spiritual person. Hooray!

Do have a critical look at any priestess desires that come from a place of “should”? Should is never the root of a true authentic want – it’s the result of an expectation of not being good enough and needing to be better. 

4. Get training. 

Your purpose as a practical public priestess is to offer rites of passage for people, so let’s learn to rock those rites of passage!

A priestess is a master of the art of ceremony. It’s time to learn how to create ceremony for others, and for yourself, and do a LOT of practice. Get yourself a community, a mentor or a class (… like my Priestess of Avalon training, nudge nudge!) so you can learn how to create ceremony, get feedback and most importantly get the support you need to grow and not give up.

Support is everything! Stepping up and doing this work is scary. All priestesses know everything is so much better with friends and sisters by your side, and a big part training is to get that support, motivation and guidance to push through the scary bits and come back to your devotion to this path. 

5. Learn lots of different Priestessing Arts

This is a place to expand and learn things that you might not have thought of before. 

I turned out to be a Venusian priestess who teaches about pleasure and sacred sexuality. I would NEVER HAVE GUESSED THAT even a decade ago. I thought I had to be a super serious academic Avalon priestess. Surprise!

To find your thing, you need a broad education! Taste lots of things and try lots of different kinds of offerings so you can find your palate. You never know what passion is waiting for you. 

In my Mystery School we learn a broad variety of Avalonian skills and arts, from singing circles to one to one sessions to working with the dead, so that you can find your true heart specialty as a Priestess of Avalon. 

6. Take time to learn the underworld arts

It’s not enough to learn about handfastings and happy ceremonies – many rites of passage are challenging by nature. 

Practical priestessing isn’t actually a lot about the happy blissful times – it’s mostly about being a guide BACK to that bliss, meaning that you will be helping people who are having tough times a lot.

The most transformative moments in someone’s life are often times of loss, death and heartbreak, and these are the moments where a ceremony can help the most. 

Everyone is going to go through these moments and even though our society likes pretend they don’t exist and encourage people to just get over it, a priestess provides such a powerful medicine of presence and acceptance through ceremony that actually genuinely heals and helps people to shift and integrate. 

It’s time to learn how to be comfortable holding someone through a dark night of the soul, how to give them tools to come back to themselves, how to identify triggers and traumas and help people through them rather than harming them further, and how to communicate with others when tensions are strained.  

These are the skills of a really good priestess.  

7. Learn how to navigate the challenges and troubles of leadership 

As you step into leadership in your public priestess career YOU WILL face challenges. Spiritual leaders are magnets to other people’s projections, fears and furies, and you are going to deal with this in your work as a Priestess at some point. 

It could be through community jealousy or infighting, or people being scared of anything vaguely witchy, or people just having their own triggered reaction in a circle or ceremony – who knows. People be people, and as soon as you step into a position of leadership there is a possibility of folks being peopley about it.  

Learn how to deal with this and get a support structure so if it happens, you know how to deal with it and are not crushed and defeated by it. 

(And when you know how to handle the worst, suddenly your fear of being seen and stepping into this work shrinks cos YOU KNOW you have it handled!)

8. Combine your own skills and talents with your priestessing skills

Now you know have your ceremonial skills, your own flavour of devotion and your priestessy people skills, it’s time to combine that with the magic of who and what you are. 

We don’t need cookie cutter priestesses out there – your true service shines when you can combine the essence of what you are with all these priestess skills. 

What are your passions? What do you do already? How do you connect with Goddess? What are you obsessed with? 

You get to subtly combine your priestess skill with your existing career for a tasty stealth priestess service if you like, or combine your talents and interests with your priestessing to make something even more vibrant, magnetic and powerful. 

YOU are the essential ingredient that makes a badass priestess. When you shine, you allow others to be radiant too!

9. Learn the essential marketing skills so people can find you and you can devote your time to this work.

I know, marketing, it doesn’t sound very magical. But actually marketing is just about getting your message out there so you can find the people who are desperately seeking you! 

It’s the essential art of practical attraction so that you can actually DO your priestess work, rather than just intend to do it and then get disappointed when no one signs up. 

Once you know what you love, what you do and who you are, you just have to learn how to communicate what you do to the right people in the right places… then you are golden!



So there is my nine-step priestess training blueprint. 

Let me know in the comments what step you are currently at… and what you want to work on next! 

And… I wanted to let you know that my Priestess of Avalon Training covers ALL THESE BAD BOYS. It’s a one-stop shop to train in the arts of a practical priestess, combine it with your unique skills and magic and then get it out there in the world. 

The world needs more priestesses being awesome. 

If you know being a Priestess is your path, come check out my training!

Ready to train as a Priestess of Avalon?

The doors for Priestess of Avalon Year are open for registration!

If you are ready to transform your life and step into being the priestess you have always dreamed of being, this is for you.

It’s a big deal, and everyone who chooses to step up and train as a priestess in this way is giving the world a HUGE gift! 

Click below to learn about the training, or drop me an email to set up a time to talk about it with me.