
  • It’s OK!

    I’m beginning to think that the point of spirituality is not to space out time in which to meditate, or pray, or make complicated incense. I am beginning to think that it’s to be as wholly you and true to yourself that you can be. What I am learning is that, spiritually, it’s ok to […]


  • A really REALLY good marketing campaign?

    Watching and reading stuff at the moment about the transfer from goddess societies to patriarchal ones, and it got me thinking, How the HELL was the world convinced that dudes were the procreational force in the world? Seriously. Watching a documentary which talked about how men convinced women that they were the powerful ones who […]


  • Clawing back some self love.

    As far as I am concerned, I whinge enough about my lack of self love and support enough in the real world, the internet does not need more moping. What the internet needs is answers, dammit! So how am I planning to get me back on form? OPERATION I AM KICKASS 1. Write a huge […]


  • Switching to Goddess

    I love Z Budapest. I am a feminist, and I am not afraid to say it (on both the net and in the real world). I love Goddess, books about Goddess and myths about Goddesses. So one book I would really like to get my hands on and read is Switching to Goddess by Jeri […]