
  • Angels for Witches

    As a means to sneak as much spiritual stuff into this month as possible, I’ve been listening to spiritual podcasts while doing housework. I have a couple of angel related ones on my iTunes, and they got me thinking about angels again. I go round in phases with angels – sometimes I connect with angels, […]


  • Announcement! – One Month of Witchery

    I have decided to jump right in it. I have always wanted to be a goddess witch every day. To spend a little bit of every day doing something witchy and to connect with my spiritual side. I’ve always wanted to be one of those people who integrates their everyday life with their spirituality and […]


  • Planetary Anxiety

    I am experiencing planetary anxiety at the moment. If the Independant is doing a cover story a week about climate change and environmental situations at the moment, man, it must be bad. I do think belief is a major factor as to how we ended up like this. In a whole bunch of religions/societies (which you can consider […]


  • Rhiannon

    In various Avalon traditions Celtic goddesses are super important. Most people I meet seem to have a thing for Rhiannon, and she’s pretty awesome so I have no problem with that. She has a strong connection with horses and blackbirds, which is great because they are great. There’s a famous old myth of hers: One […]


  • We Are Good Enough

    I remember reading Louise L Hay’s You Can Hear My Life after years of people telling me to read it, and the thing that jumped out and grabbed me was when she said that the base problem of all our problems is self love and that we don’t think we are good enough. What? I […]


  • Let’s see how pointless mythology is.

    I’ve been reading Avalon Within by Jhenah Telendru and  am thinking about using mythology as inspiration. A long time ago, when I started reading grown up copies of the greek myths as oppose to the watered down illustrated kiddy versions, I decided I Did Not Like Greek Mythology. Let me sum it up for you: […]


  • The Goddess is Darkness

    Witches know that darkness in itself is not evil – that’s why a lot of us don’t like being called white witches and don’t quite trust stuff named “Lightworking”, as it’s feeding into the dark-is-evil sterotype. Generally bad stuff tends to get called dark or gets roped under the “darkness” category, probably because dark is […]


  • Grumpy Goddess in a Bath

    So have I been mired in my own self pity these last few days. I’m a girl, I have ups, I have downs. So I completed the age old girly feel-better ritual – bubble bath, smelling of cuddles. And a book. Dipping into de Grandis for some words of wisdom (I promise, I do read […]


  • I am hunting, I found prayer!

    I have been hunting, and I discovered that as part of the house move I did some five months ago, all my 101 books are back at my mum’s house, and I have only my favourites with me. Sigh. There goes all my 101 revision. What I am learning however, is the power of prayer. […]


  • My Ultimate Tarot Trick

    I’m getting back into Tarot. Hooray! One of my life goals is to be a pro tarot reader. Now, I’m not bothered if this doesn’t happen till I am 65, so no pressure at all. However, I do much less reading for other people than I used to, and honestly, I am just getting back […]


  • Happiness in the Kumari Sector

    One of my colleages at work is a very spiritual Brahma Kumari. I’ve always been interested in asking her more about what she believes in, but keeping my spiritual interests on the low and the fact that I find her relentlessly chipper attitude a bit annoying sometimes, I have not. However, the other day we […]


  • Hells no, we won’t go

    This week has been a mad crazy week. See? Emotionally, I have been so much all over the shop I popped into other shops while I was at it. I’m part-time employed person to give me time to pursue the things I really want to do with my life – art and bellydance. This week, […]


  • Are Spells Preistessful?

    I’ve been (vaguely) following Kathy Jones’ Priestess of Avalon book for the last year or so. It has priestess in the title, how could I not? My favourite Priestess of Avalon season is Winter. The focus is stillness, silence and prayer. Mmmm. I am a big prayer person me. Love love love it. In winter, […]


  • My Inner Being is Not a Yoghurt Monster

    More reading means more thinking! This is today’s revelation. I read The Law Of Attraction about half a year ago. I refused for a long time, as it’s about a “being” speaking through Esther Hicks, it’s called Abraham, which does not immediately appeal to me as a witchy type, and the book is thought of […]


  • Thank the JESUS that is the end of 2010

    I would like to start by congratulating everyone who reads this for making it through another year of life. Hurrah for continuing to live! I am pretty sure 2010 sucked for a lot of us. My last year dragged me deep into the inner demons that I didn’t even know I had, and I spent […]