Sister, I see you called to the path of devotion to the Goddess, of magic and mystery – the path of the Priestess of Avalon…
…but I know you are not like the others.
I know you find it hard to fit in.
The path of fuzzy love-n-light spirituality doesn’t quite cut it for you.
You were made of deeper stuff. Of the soft moss on the bowed oak tree, of the moonlight dancing on the still lake, the scent of earth and autumn and the subtle whisper of “witch” in the wind.
Perhaps you are unknowingly upon the path of the Priestess of Avalon, following in the witch footsteps of the great Enchantress and High Priestess herself, Morgan le Fay.
How to know?
Well. Here are 7 deep desires and truths that all Morgan women hold in their hearts.
1 – You desire to fearlessly claim your place as a woman who holds both the dark and the light within her.
Your spiritual journey has taken you through times of deep darkness, difficulty and challenge, and you are just not okay with a form of spirituality that encourages you to positive-think those difficult chapters of your life away. You are a woman marked by the underworld, and you need to be able to hold yourself and others in those deep places of darkness, not dream them away. You long for mastery, to be able to be at home in the underworld and have the power to alchemise those long dark nights of the soul into something whole, fulfilling, deep and glorious – without repressing it’s devilish thorny beauty.
A Priestess of Avalon always holds the light and the dark within her.
2 – You desire to merge the Magical with the Mundane, BIG TIME.
As a Morgen women, you know that that there is more to life than taxes, supermarket shopping and the daily commute, and that you stand on the edge of two opposing worlds – the magical otherworld and this regular mortal realm. Your life has been one great longing love song to magic. If you are honest with yourself, you know your role is to be a woman who straddles the twilight, blending the magical and the mundane with absolute mastery, followed by signs and synchronicity and meaning at every turn. It’s what your heart knows is true about the world – what is possible. You KNOW your destiny is to live a life enchanted, and you just won’t settle for anything less.
3 – You are independent to a fault and need to march to the beat of your own drum.
Oh, you tried following rules, but you kind of have difficulty falling in with authority and your creative, curious nature doesn’t like to be suppressed or hemmed in by guidelines and to-do lists – especially in your spiritual life. This has totally frustrated you until now and made you perhaps feel like you were a failure or not cut out for this Priestess shiz because you just didn’t get that your purpose as a Morgen Woman is to do it YOUR WAY, creating a path that is completely and uniquely oh-so-you. Of course! You who never followed the crowds – how could it be any different? You are in your power when you are blazing your own path in the world.
4 – You are a grounded, smart, badass spiritual woman.
You have a bit of a penchant for practicality, and always want to know how a spiritual truth is relevant to your practice and life. You get turned off by spacey lightworker speak and often question if you are actually even allowed to walk a priestess path because all this talk about prosperity codes, sirian star conciousness and all the far-out mumbo jumbo you hear being thrown around in the spiritual sphere these days makes you cringe.
Luckily your groundedness is a powerful SPIRITUAL GIFT. The world needs practical no-BS priestesses who keep it real and have a sceptical eye – women who very firmly have one foot planted in the physical world, so they can communicate with regular folks and make shit happen. THIS IS YOUR STRENGTH.
5 – You feel the call of Avalon.
You don’t know why, probably don’t get it and totally don’t understand it, but something about the word Avalon, the land of sisterhood, love, wisdom and peace, sets your soul on soft fire and gives you the happy shivers. You know you will blindly follow wherever that subtle whisper of Avalon leads you so you can discover what it is – it’s almost a compulsion. The tales of King Arthur have always stirred something deep and magical inside of you, especially the tales of the sorceresses Morgan le Fay, Vivianne and Nimue – you watch movies you know will be shitty, just because Morgan le Fay might be in them.
You are in love with the Celtic landscapes of Britain and Ireland and dream of making pilgrimage to the sacred sites of the druids and ancient folk, to Glastonbury and Stonehenge and Newgrange, to be in the ancient circles of standing stones and feel into the lush green air of the sacred islands.
Do you resonate with these truths?
Do these five desires make your heart sing “Yes, that’s me!”
Then perhaps you are walking the twilight path of the Priestess of Avalon, heralded by the enchantress and underworld goddess Morgan le Fay, both grounded in the earth and sweet talking with the otherworld.
Are you a modern day Morgan woman upon the Priestess Path?
Free Gift! Morgan le Fay Priestess Activation

Ready to learn more about Morgan le Fay? Enchanted by the path of Avalon?
I have created a beautiful free class so you can deepen in with this magical goddess, and it’s my gift for anyone who is being haunted by the whisper of Morgan and the goddesses of Avalon.
This free class includes –
A lavishly illustrated Morgan le Fay Guidebook, where you will learn secret teachings of this forgotten goddess
A powerful Avalon Activation Audio, to awaken and connect you with the energetic current of Avalon and allow it’s love and peace shift you
An incredibly potent recorded ceremony working with Morgan le Fay to reclaim your magic and re-enchant your world alive.
Get your free 7 Priestess Arts of Avalon guidebook here:
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I love this❤
Thank you so much for these free materials! The grimoire is *stunning.* I have been feeling the call of Avalon for awhile and just now starting to create my own Avalon path. I love how you put this: as an American woman (with some ancestry in Wales and England), something just calls to me about it. I love your approach and especially devotion to Morgan La Fey. I will be watching for openings in the sisterhood this fall. 💖💜