Back in the pre-Covid times, I used to run a monthly women’s circle in my home town of Cambridge UK. 

Almost every month we would come together, share our stories and experiences, drink herbal tea and reflect and make ritual around our lives. 

(This would usually be punctuated by the the happy accordion and bells of the morris dancers in the next hall over at our community centre. Finding a perfect venue is always a mission!) 

A women’s circle is a space where women can ground, centre and have a little space to just be.

There are no demands on your time, there is no where else you need to do or have to be, there are utterly no expectations to have it all together or present a mask or an image of who you need to be for others. 

In a women’s circle, women can share their stories. 

We share how we are really feeling, what’s going on in our lives, what we have been ruminating on and how life is personally affecting our feelings and our inner world. 

There is nothing more sacred than listening to the stories of other women. 

The magic of the women’s circle is that as each woman speaks, you find her reflecting a part of your own story. 

We can always see ourselves in eachother’s stories, and it helps us feel connection with eachother. It lets us know that we are not alone. It dismantles the architecture of the competition and betrayal among sisters as it helps us to see that other women are just like us. When we put down the masks and are allowed to be vulnerable (if we want to!), we free ourselves. 

In a women’s circle, women are witnessed. 

You know how if you try to tell your partner (especially if your partner is a man!) how you are feeling about something going on in your life, and they automatically jump in and try to fix it? They offer you solutions to your problems and action steps, and you get annoyed with them cos they just don’t get it, and then they get annoyed with you because they don’t get why you don’t want to fix the problem? 

What you are really looking for is the chance to be witnessed – to have your experience seen and heard by others. 

This is what we do in a women’s circle. 

Each woman has a chance to share her experience, her feelings, her frustrations, without anyone being able to interrupt her or offer her advice. 

It’s an advice-free zone. 

At a Women’s Circle, often space is held for women to share their experiences and feelings about their moon cycles and the experiences of having a female body and/or being perceived as female in the world. Circles where this aspect is emphasised are often called Red Tents or Moon Lodges. These are place where we can talk and share about our menstrual cycles (whether we love or hate our periods, everything is allowed!), fertility, sex and sexuality – all the physical aspects of being a woman that we often can’t talk about candidly in regular life and polite society. This is a really powerful space where we have permission to be with what is real in our experience of living in a female body, and a beautiful opportunity to deepen in with and honour the rhythms of our bodies

Women’s Circles are really magical and revolutionary! And this is the true magic of the women’s circle. The sacred space it creates for each woman to be seen and witnessed exactly where she is without any judgement. You are not perceived as broken in a women’s circle – there is no better than and no less than. It is a competition free environment. 

This is what the world needs to heal the wounds between women! 

I have been really missing women’s circles this year. I used to run a monthly in-person one in Cambridge and it was always so beautiful and fulfilling.

As part of the online classes I am taking this year sometimes we have a circle or a sister share, and my heart fills to bursting with how much I love women and their powerful life experiences. 

A Moon Lodge is a women’s circle that has an additional soft focus and awareness on the cycles of our bodies as women, to share and celebrate the experiences of being incarnated in a female body.

Would you like to join us in a sacred Moon Lodge? 

I hold regular online and in person women’s circles and moon lodges. 

To keep in touch about our online moon lodges, red tents and women circles, join our facebook coven at to be notified of all upcoming online events!

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