Morgan le Fay Mystery School is an Avalonian training program. But what does the term Avalonian mean? What does it mean to be an Avalonian School, and what is Avalon?
Witches, I am here to help! Let my lay down some knowledge on you all.
What is Avalon?
Avalon is the mythical isle of women, spirituality, love, immortality and wisdom in the Celtic tradition. It has very particular energy – very spiritual, very peaceful, and definitely a little bit faery around the edges.
It’s a modern name for Annwnn (pronounced A-noon) which was the Celtic Otherworld, the spiritual dimension of the land, the inner world of the earth and the home of the spirits and gods.
It was a deeply feminine place accessed by travelling across water (often an island) and guarded by powerful female spirits. It was a dimension of wisdom, magic, the feminine, faery, love and immortality, and it bled through into the physical world in certain sacred places.
These islands were often ruled by a powerful faery goddess (aka Morgan le Fay in her many sneaky guises) or were populated by sacred women and wise enchantresses.
For us in the 21st Century, Avalon represents the feminine magic of Celtic spirituality, heart connection with the earth and the mysteries of the Goddess. Avalon is rooted in that ever-shifting Celtic magic, and holds the resonance of holy women, deep spirituality and earth wisdom.
Who were the Priestesses of Avalon?
The Priestesses of Avalon are a modern mythology, a dream, a deep inspiration from Annwnn.
These were the women who lived in honour and service of the energy of Avalon, living close to the land, unceasing in their devotion to the Goddess and the holiness of the sacred earth. Their sacred Priestess College was a place to study the beautiful mysteries of Divine within the temenos of the sacred British landscape, perhaps akin to a female druid college.
We don’t know if these women ever actually existed – we have ancient tales of holy women living on sacred islands dotted throughout western Europe, and the stories of sacred sisterhoods from irish and celtic mythos, but no explicit “Priestesses of Avalon Woz Here” evidence.
But who cares! I believe that the Priestesses of Avalon are a modern-day lens of looking at an ancient call to devotion and divine service rooted within the Celtic landscape and earth and Goddess worship. Their archetypal energy and inspiration is powerful now and is arising so strongly in the world as women feel it speaking to the depths of who they are as spiritual beings and are hungry to live it, create from it, move in honour of the energy of Avalon and it’s values.
What does it mean to be a Modern Avalonian Mystery School?
A modern day Avalonian Mystery School takes its inspiration from the mythology of the Celtic otherworld and founds itself in the particular energy of Avalon – of love, wisdom and honour of the Feminine.
There a bunch of Avalon-inspired mystery schools, and they all have a different take on what it means to be Avalonian in nature.
How the Morgen le Fay Mystery School is an Avalonian training
My Morgan le Fay Mystery School is an Avalonian Mystery School – which means that we are deeply inspired by the mythology and energy of Avalon and make a practice of working with the mystical energy of Avalon in our training. Our take on it is through the inspiration of our guiding goddess Morgan le Fay, the goddess who is most intertwined with modern Avalon.
Morgana is a goddess of healing, magic, faeries, wisdom and love – all the things classically associated with ancient Annwnn.
We work with Avalon THROUGH Morgan le Fay and bring alive her Avalonian values in the world by studying her skills and embodying her energy.
This means learning the resonant priestess arts of presence, peace and resonance, of healing and herb craft and sisterhood and honouring the great mother just like the holy women of the mythological Priestesses of Avalon….
…. while also learning the skills of enchantment, power and agency that Morgana and the enchantresses of Avalon always held dear to their hearts – themes that regularly pop up in the early medieval legends of Morgan le Fay and Avalon, and key themes in many of the goddesses of the ancient British Isles – who were warriors, queens, enchantresses, battle goddesses and insatiably sexy faery women.
By honouring Morgana and holding her as our role model and inspiration, we are able to recreate a modern day path to Avalon and manifest it in the world, for she is the goddess who most closely holds this archetypal energy of Avalon.
7 Priestess Arts of Avalon Free Gift
Want to learn more about Avalon? I have a free lavishly illustrated 18 page guidebook to take you deeper into the mysteries of Avalon and what it means to walk the path of Avalon in the modern world.
Avalon is the ancient mythological holy isle of Britain, and she is inspiring a new path of earth-based, goddess-honouring spirituality for the modern world.
This free guidebook is for YOU if you –
🌳 Are fascinated by the spirituality of the ancient Celtic world
🌙 Are mesmerised by everything Avalon and want to know everything you can – even if you have no clear idea on what Avalon is yet!
🌟 Love magical and beautiful grimoires
Get your free 7 Priestess Arts of Avalon guidebook here:
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Want to initiate deeper into Avalon?

If you are tempted and would LOVE to immerse in a year of living the arts of Avalon (I know that it’s literally my dream come true) come join us in Morgan le Fay Sister Year – registration opens every October to take this beautiful, transformative journey deep into the heart of Avalon lead by the goddess Morgan le Fay.
Click here to learn more and get on the wait list!
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