So a key thing about spirituality is that the world we have grown up in has done its best to convince us that spirituality needs to be kind of harsh and strict and very punishing. 

Even if we are not directly involved in the Judeo-Christian world and didn’t grow up in a religious house (I certainly didn’t) we still get the impression by cultural osmosis that there are a lot of RULES to be followed. 

There is a Way You Should Be, and, more loudly, a WHOLE BUNCH OF THINGS THAT ARE UNNACCEPTABLE. 

And one of the biggest SHOULDS is that this whole connection to God thing is supposed to be VERY SERIOUS OKAY…

… and “take this seriously ?” is usually code for “stop having fun!” 

Seriousness leaches the fun and humanity out of spirituality and makes it something we SHOULD do rather than something we WANT to do. 

It becomes a spirituality of guilt – and guilt is not the pathway that leads to God. 

This is one of the reasons I LOVE working with the energy of Venus and am an Aphrodite obsessive. 

At the heart of the Goddess is the Divine Feminine, and she is of course all things – the primal mountains and storms and she’s mystical and loving and magical and a bit scary and all that – but she is also the keeper of the archetypal FEMININENESS of god…

…. which is best expressed through the forms of the Love Goddesses, because goddesses of Love and Sexuality really embody this softness, this paradox of the divine feminine. 

Venus is the divine energy of abundance, attraction, good fortune, sexuality, sensuality and beauty. 

This energy, by it’s very luscious rolling-in-the-grass-wearing-silk-and-laughing-at-flowers nature, is not serious. 

It is light hearted and ecstatic, gracious and expansive.

It doesn’t hold truck with punishment, restriction or hard boundaries (unless you are getting a particular pleasure out of it ? ) and instead it pushes us to awaken our hearts and expand what is possible in the realms of spirituality. 

This very extravagantly feminine form of the divine feminine asks us to instead to take beauty seriously. To take enjoyment seriously. To take pleasure seriously. 

She wants us to understand that THAT is where God will be found – that is how we find her. 

Not by dryly reciting a lengthy prayer every morning while you light a candle, but by feeling the wind on your skin and dreaming of the sea kissing your legs and getting lost in a beautiful story and feeling your body free and awake as you dance to the latest Selena Gomez track. 

By singing poetry and playing music and making every moment a seduction into the divine.  

And for Venus, getting serious about beauty, enjoyment and pleasure means making space for them and marking them as important and essential parts of a spiritual life. 

It’s transforming our outlook on spirituality from the mind, from the shoulds and the shouldn’ts and removing ourselves from the world around us, and instead finding spirituality in the senses and letting it carry us upward. 

And when we open to this kind of energy, when we re-orient to this kind of spirituality, when we let the magic of that Venusian force in and we surrender and we say DO YOUR WORST YOU DELICIOUS DIVINITY YOU…

… that’s when our lives transform. 

Are you looking to dive deeper with the glorious mysteries of the Goddess of Love and co-create a life that makes your heart sing? 

If you are ready to work some serious (and super easy) Venus magic in your life, check out my life-changing class The Venus Working

The Venus Working is a six week immersion into the seductive, delicious, pleasure-filled and life-affirming energy of the Goddess of Love. It opens the gates of flow and opportunity and to allow you to fall madly in love with life again in the most joyful, magical way – absolutely perfect you are feeling stuck in a dull joyless work-eat-sleep-repeat rut and feel that there must be more to life than this.

Check it out here!