Do you know what interests me?


One day I am going to learn it proper, but for now I am satisfied from cribbing off the internet.

Since we are having a Venus week, I wanted to talk about Venus in astrology: Particularly, the zodiac signs ruled by Venus.

In astrology, every sign is ruled by a planet. For example, Aries is ruled by Mars, Scorpio by Pluto, and so on. The signs embody aspects of the planet’s energy, for example, as ruler of the underworld, Pluto is very concerned with taboo things like sex and death and is all about the uncurious – just like Scorpio.

Venus in astrology rules the signs of Taurus (which we are in right now!) and Libra.

Taurus is all about Venus’ love of the finer things in life: rolling around in silken sheets, eating chocolates off a golden plate, collecting art and beautiful things – the pleasure seeking, money-splashing side of Venus. She loves security she can wrap herself in – security she can touch and taste and spend! She can be a little bit lazy and unmotivated, as she prefers to indulge in pleasure (bubble baths, sex, fine wine, art) than get any work done.

Taurus is an earth sign, and she’s all about MONEY. Venus rules attraction, luxury, love and leisure, and she also rules abundance!!!! So Venus rules Taurus as the sign that loves money and, more importantly, ENJOYS money, and loves to spend it on lovely things.

Libra is all about relationships, and Venus’ powerful desire to be in relationship to others. Libra LOVES relationships, she loves spending lots of time with other people, loosing herself in love relationships, chilling with her friends – she is the zodiac’s People Person, and is very rarely without a boyfriend or girlfriend. She is charming and craves harmony and balance, hating conflict. She just wishes everyone could get along, and she’d really great at maintaining that equilibrim.

Libra is an earth sign, and she is all about PARTNERSHIP. As the Planet and Goddess of Love, naturally Venus rules the sign that is all about love and partnership with others!

Both Venus and Libra are known for being artistic signs, and beauty and the arts are very important to both of them.

Interesting, huh! See what this teaches us about Venus? Venus might be the goddess of Love, but her flip side is the goddess who enjoys money, wealth and the beautiful things in life.


We talk about BOTH love and money in my luxuriously Venusian online training course, The Venus Working, and through this course we start getting to grips with a more Venusian way of approaching both!
If you would like be notified of when The Venus Working next runs, and you would also like guidance on how to take your first steps working with Venus, click here to sign up for the mailing list and receive our free guide, How to Be a Rockstar Priestess – Venus Work is the foundation of what we do here at Rockstar Priestess, and in the guide you will find easy practical steps to start invoking Venus Vibes in your life and a secret free Venusian surprise…