I’m trying out a new thing. I lurve me some tarot, and I am all over my new Wild Unknown deck that Superman bought me for Christmas. So each week I will be performing a Goddess Guidance tarot reading for the blog, getting in touch with the Goddess through Tarot to hear her advice for the week.

Goddess Guidance Tarot Reading

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This week, Goddess is telling us to keep close to that which we love, that which nourishes us and that which fills us up. The Father of Cups, a loving, protective force, guides us to love and protect ourselves this week by giving ourselves extra care with the Ace of Cups. Maybe that means early nights, snuggly TV time, or treating yourself to extra tasty lunches. Goddess is telling us to take responsibility for our own nurturing and to drink from our own loving cup, being ready to give ourselves the support we need.

Because the world is gonna be harsh: the screaming cry of the raven, from the established hierarchical regular world of the Hierophant (he’s particularly work-progress related this week), is gonna come at us, telling us no and showing us resistance, giving us stressful to-do lists and telling us to hustle because we are behind already. Work is tough this week.

We need to be ready to pick up the pieces and remind ourselves that we are more than our jobs, more than our work, and that our net worth is not the same as our life worth. You are worthwhile not because of what you do. You are just worthy and lovely always, it’s how you were made. We need to remember to indulge in the things that make us happy and to fill up our own wells this week. She’s saying have clear Work Time and clear Nurture Yourself time this week

Message of the Week: Filling up that well is your top priority this week. Go do it!


PS: If you wanted a personalised Goddess Guidance reading, I am currently offering them on Fiverr. Click Here to check it out!