In my Morgan le Fay Mystery School we work with Morgan le Fay as our guide, inspiration and our goddess to teach us how to birth Avalon into the world today. 

Mystery School is very much an Avalonian priestess school, but like all misty things Avalon isn’t something you can grab and hold and easily pull apart to see how she fits together. She’s not super tangible, being an otherworldly vibe and etheric dream and all that. 

That’s why we need a guide – someone or something to bridge the human 3d reality and the wild visionary energetics of Avalon. 

Thats why we need Morgan le Fay. 

Now, she has been my guiding goddess since I was a teenager, but why do we need Morgan le Fay to find the path to avalon?

Let me tell you…

  1. Well, she is the QUEEN of Avalon, so if anyone knows how to work with Avalon it’s Her.
    Morgan le Fay is the Queen of Avalon, queen of the sacred inner world and fairy land of the earth itself. In the surviving Celtic myths and stories, she is a lasting emissary from the holy isle – a lady of the lake, a golden goddess, a queen.

    In fact in stories across Europe Morgana is named as the Queen of Avalon – sometimes overtly, sometimes in her shape-shifting guise as the fairy Queen.

    This IS her land.

    This IS her home.

    No one can better guide us into Avalon than the mistress of the holy isle and the master of the mists herself.

  2. She keeps us grounded and practical
    Morgana appears in legend both as a dazzling Goddess-like figure, the wise Lady of the Lake and faery bestower of sovereignty…

    … and as a human woman dealing with human issues – the disgruntled sister who gets married off for political gain, the courtly woman who has been lied to by a lover for the last time, the sorceress who takes sneaky peeks at the court hotties and bickers with her mates about which one of them gets to go out with Lancelot.

    She is the link between the human realm and the other realm – this mundane middle world and the sacred celestial and underworlds of Avalon.

    This human side is the WHOLE POINT.

    She is not here to encourage us to ascend out of our human struggles and troubles into some spiritual utopia where we don’t have to deal with this shit any more because we are too enlightened and spiritual to be bothered by stuff.

    HELL no.

    She is here to earth us more fully into our human lives and see all of it as holy, to build those bridges between the magical and the mundane and be the hands of Avalon at work in the world.

    Are those hands useful if they are busy pretending that money doesn’t exist, or furiously trying to spiritually bypass all our anxieties and issues?

    No! That’s a bloody useless pair of Avalonian hands!

    Morgana trains us to earth. To be the sorceress, the magician, the holy priestess with one foot in Avalon and one foot firmly-as-fuck in this world, making a difference to the real flesh-and-blood people (animal, human and plant) of the here-and-now.

    That’s why she is so important as we connect in on our journey to become priestesses – because she keeps us real.

  3. As a Dark Goddess, she holds Avalon as Underworld too.
    Avalon is not just a happy go lucky land of apples and faery parties. It’s not just a fantasy priestess training mecca where everyone rides waves of devotional bliss all day and night.

    (… Though it is those things too!)

    Avalon is also the bridge to the underworld.

    In the ancient stories of Morgan le Fay, she is said to carry the dying King Arthur across the waters to the undying land of Avalon. She is the ferryman across the river of the underworld, taking souls to the faery realm where the ancestors dance with the dreamers.

    She is also mistress of the underworlds and shadows we encounter in our living lives too.

    The darkness, the addiction, the unwillingness to see truth. The fear, the dispair, the grief, the depression, the distortion.

    Morgan le Fay has been cast as the villain in popular culture for centuries. She is a descendant of the dark goddesses of the Celtic folk, the ones who held transformation in the darkness and fiercely challenged others to face their truth – the welsh Ceridwen, the irish Morrighan, and every faery queen everywhere.

    I believe this villain stereotyping is partly because Morgana is not afraid of the things we are afraid of – our own fear, jealousy, greed, our shadow and our stuckness,

    She will look at the things we are unwilling to, and will force us to do the same so we grow.

    It’s a disservice to Avalon to see it as just a pagan version of the christian heaven, a white-washed land of plenty free of all the bad icky stuff. Goddess has always held the depths of the darkness as much as the joy of the golden dawn, and Morgana holds this edge of the Dark Goddess so clearly.

  4. She embodies Avalon’s Magic to a tee.
    Avalon is always synonymous with magic. The women of Avalon from Arthurian legend were always sorceresses and witches, able to enchant their world and work their will. They could scry the future, conjure marvels, and disappear back into the faery kingdom whenever they wished.

    Avalon holds the magic of faeries, of spellwork, of glamour – of reality being dictated on an energetic realm before it descends into the physical.

    Who is Morgana if not the femme fatale of sorcery? Her name means magic – Morgana the Faery, Morgana the Magical. She leads us to claim our power, work our will and open to a reality that’s a lot more suggestible than we are lead to believe.

    Talking about power…

  5. Morgana IS power, and she will help you claim yours.
    She has been demonised because she stood for power in a female form at a time when that was unacceptable. She IS power – on a really earthy level you can even see her sorcery as a simple metaphor for her ability to influence over the world around her, her ability wield great power and change reality according to her will and decree.

    Power is not the abuse and control we have been indoctrinated to believe it is. As priestesses in training, it is of utmost importance that we heal our relationship and understanding of power so we can step up and leave a profound, powerful mark on the world.

    On the priestess path of Avalon we are really working towards sovereignty – authentic power and rootedness in our true selves. As a sovereignty goddess Morgana will challenge you from the moment you invoke her to claim your power and truth. She will not accept anything less.

    And a priestess must own her power, learn how to wield it with wisdom, and become brave enough to influence the world in the service of all.

As our guide and guarding goddess, Morgana leads us right into the heart of what it means to live the way of Avalon in the modern world, supporting us to become more of who we really are so we can be the lamp-bearers of Avalon for the world to see. 

She’s our sneaky sideways way in. The most direct indirect route. 

If Avalon is in your heart and mind, Morgana will lead you there.

Morgan Mystery School is Coming! 

Yep, the portal is soon opening to join us in our year-long immersion of all things Morgan le Fay and Avalon – to step up and become a sister-sibling of Avalon and go through the eight initiations of Morgan le Fay in her many faces – the eight energies, skills and attributes you need to become a grounded, potent and badass priestess-in-training. 

Also, added bonus, we always have the most amazing folk in our Mystery School and you get to become part of a tight-knit badass coven too!

Join our Sisters of the Morgen Rose Facebook Group for updates!