
  • The Day the Magic Died

    A thing that keeps cropping up in my spiritual work at the moment is the advice “Believe in magic. Believe in miracles.” When I was younger I had absolute total belief in spells – I’d had a lot of good experiences with them and good results, and at that time I hadn’t stopped to over-analyse what’s going […]


  • Charming Pixie Flora Fan Confession

    I wanted to share someone who really inspires me. Charming Pixie Flora is a witch with fluffy hair and a bright GREEN dining room who has a you-tube channel dedicated to all sorts of witchy and spiritual how-tos. I think she is fab. She inspires me as she is 100% a Witch Who Does Stuff, […]


  • Tween-ing into Winter

    Ooooh I love this season. I love it when it gets dark early, the pavements smell of earth and there are still enough leaves to kick at the side of the road. I think it’s partly because I am at my most productive after dark, when I feel like I’m not wasting the precious sunlight […]


  • Indecent Autumnal Excitement

    I’ve been reading on lots of blogs how witchy peeps see the Equinox season as a bit bitter sweet – it’s awesome because it’s witchy, but it’s sad because it is getting darker again. Obviously I am a weirdo as I am so so so excited about the darkening days and the encroach of October. […]


  • One Month of Witchery Later

    The last month has been interesting. My commitment to do something witchy every day HAS resulted in me doing something witchy every day (phew!) but not a lot of witchy stuff every day. I did find it pretty hard to fit stuff in. My problem is that I see spirituality as a kind of hobby […]


  • Angels for Witches

    As a means to sneak as much spiritual stuff into this month as possible, I’ve been listening to spiritual podcasts while doing housework. I have a couple of angel related ones on my iTunes, and they got me thinking about angels again. I go round in phases with angels – sometimes I connect with angels, […]


  • We Have Witchy Jobs For All

    I am a sucker for “How to be a witch” books. I skim through em’ and snaffle up the new stuff, the different perspectives, and the funny bits. My latest bookshop stealth-read has been Azrael Arynn K and Amber K’s book How to Become a Witch. It had all the essential words in the title. […]


  • Moment of Spiritual Sense

    As described before, I’ve been on a bit of a witchy rollercoaster of late. I took a short holiday break in Glastonbury, and coincided it with a workshop with Z Budapest, which I was pretty dissapointed by, and lots of rambling up and down the Tor and down country lanes meeting squirrels and stuff, which was fabulous. […]


  • In which witchery gets difficult.

    It is not easy sneaking witchery into your daily schedule. On Wednesday, I happily finished my candle-empowering ritual and did a bit of praying and meditating with my Patron Goddess. On Thursday, a change of plans meant that after a full day of work my evening was taken up by a surprise date with Superman. […]


  • Announcement! – One Month of Witchery

    I have decided to jump right in it. I have always wanted to be a goddess witch every day. To spend a little bit of every day doing something witchy and to connect with my spiritual side. I’ve always wanted to be one of those people who integrates their everyday life with their spirituality and […]


  • The Goddess is Darkness

    Witches know that darkness in itself is not evil – that’s why a lot of us don’t like being called white witches and don’t quite trust stuff named “Lightworking”, as it’s feeding into the dark-is-evil sterotype. Generally bad stuff tends to get called dark or gets roped under the “darkness” category, probably because dark is […]


  • My man think’s our house is breeding shrines

    Over Christmas, we made a Christmas Buddha-shrine in our sitting room instead of a Christmas tree. It lit up and everything. My housemate is Buddhist, so it was the sensible course of action. Hooray! It’s still there – it’s too nice to take down. This Ostara, after living here with my housemate and my boyfriend (name of Superman) for the last […]