How deep scarcity programming goes, and how it affects more than just your finances.

I’ve been on this big journey with scarcity the last year – uncovering where it lives within me and gently teasing it out. 

Scarcity is Not Enoughness. 

Scarcity can be not enough money – that’s often how we think about scarcity, as a lack of abundance – but usually if we have scarcity in our finances, we have it everywhere else too. 

Scarcity looks like never feeling like you have enough time, or that you haven’t done enough, or worked hard enough. 

It feels like your relationships are not enough, that folks should be showing you they care about you more or that perhaps there is someone better for you out there. 

It feels like YOU are not enough, and you are caught in an unwindable trap of always trying to prove that you are enough. 

I went into this deep scarcity dive this year because I wanted to level out my finances – lovely, stable, consistent abundance please and thank you universe – but it blew my mind when I uncovered how much scarcity is in every level of my being. 

Here’s an episode of Avalon Priestess TV I made about this a few weeks ago. 

Scarcity I believe is part of capitalism – to keep people always wanting more and chasing continual growth we have to believe that what we have is never enough. 

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