This is UNDOUBTABLY the best time to be alive

Just your regular reminder that this is the best time to be alive that’s ever existed.

Even though all this tough real life is catching the world in a storm, this is STILL the best time ever to be living.

⚡️We can be witches without being murdered⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

⚡️ We have cars – I drive to Glastonbury a lot, and this 5 hour drive would have taken DAYS even a century ago.

⚡️ We have modern medicine – hallelujah! – which has saved my beloved’s life at least 4 times, has kept countless friends alive whereas before modern medicine they would be ☠️, and it sorts out my brain so rather than an anxious wreck I get to be myself.

⚡️ We can make friends all over the world… and travel over the world. Not just the posh people – us regular folk too.

⚡️ I have essential oils and scents that only kings would have had access to in the past

⚡️ I didn’t have to marry my first boyfriend and be stuck with him forever! I am sure many of us are glad we didn’t have to do that!

Honestly, the world has always been both at once – rapturously amazing, and harrowingly horrible.


And today we live in a time where we all go to school, have access to all the information ever, and don’t have to worry about the village over the river stealing your cattle, or vikings attacking and killing everyone again, or everyone dying from chicken pox. ⠀


Bad stuff can exist, climate change and war and hatred and misogyny and all the poop that’s happening right now, and we can acknowledge that and deal with that, and STILL appreciate the amazing stuff.


We live in blessed times.



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