It’s difficult learning how to be a priestess of Morgan le Fay. She is not a well known goddess yet she calls to us through the stories of legend, whispering to us through the mists of Avalon and summoning us to walk her path of magic and devotion.

When you hear her call, you are hooked. 

However, there are very few resources on how to become a Priestess of Morgan le Fay – and very few resources about Morgan le Fay as a goddess. 

Where do you start? 

❓What is the path?

And how can you become a Priestess of Morgan le Fay?

Here are 5 helpful hints and pathways to help you figure out your own path as a priestess of Morgan le Fay. 

1. Get to know the fullness of Morgan le Fay.

Morgan is known to the neopagan world as a goddess of Witchcraft, but she is so much more than just a sorceress. Spending time in devotion, study and meditation with her will help you uncover the fullness of who she is and help you learn how to be a priestess of Morgan le Fay.

Morgan is a mother goddess, a high priestess, a sacred sister: she is both healer, death doula and lady of the lake, and at the same time she is a beguiling enchantress, a faery queen and an intoxicating lover.  

She is a walking contradiction and holds the initiation of power, and to step into her priestess hood you will be challenged by her to step into your own power, to come back to your own soul pathway and live from truth. 

(Luckily I have many classes that take you into deep communion with Morgan le Fay! Check out Sister Year, Dark Moon Studies and Summer Moon Studies.) 

2. Learn Magic and claim your power.

Magic is using your power to direct your will out into the world, and Morgan le Fay demands that you are not afraid of your power or your desire. We learn magic and spells on the path of Morgan le Fay priestesshood because she is an enchantress.

We learn to work with the energetic realm to seed our visions, prayers and desires into the physical realm. Morgan weaves her will through her words, and we learn to do the same.

The path of Morgan le Fay is not a path of straight surrender to the divine – she will ask you to step into yourself and make choices for yourself.
This is not a path for you if you want someone else to figure all the answers for you, or if you want the Goddess to fix all  your troubles without doing the dirty work yourself. 

3. Figure out what facet of Morgan le Fay you embody the most. 

As priestess we carry the energy of the Gods we serve, and our innate talents and energy serve the Goddess in particular ways. In service to Morgan le Fay the shapeshifter, we may like her have many different facets to us and be in resonance with a different aspect of her at different times of our lives. 

The Wheel of Morgan le Fay is really helpful in helping you figure out what priestess path to take, what your special skillset is. 

Perhaps you resonate deeply with Morgan le Fay as herbalist and healer, and you will take that path in her service. Perhaps you are most called by Morgan le Fay as Shadow Worker and goddess of the underworld, and are called to death practices or guiding people out of their dark night of the soul. 

(I am very much Faery Lover and High Priestess energy, meaning I am naturally good at the beauty arts and ceremonial skills.) 

Figuring this out and connecting with Morgan as a particular facet really helps you find direction on your Priestess Path. You don’t have to be everything – you just have to be you. 

4. Get wise and learn how to be a smart sister

Morgan le Fay is a divine feminine leader, and to step into her priestess hood means you will be asked to step up into divine feminine leadership in some way or another. Morgan is a goddess of groups, communities and sister-siblinghoods, so this is unavoidable. She always calls us to work together WITH others, not to be a lone wolf.

You need to learn how to lead without falling into hierarchical patterns or control, and allow yourself to be vulnerable and human. Morgan priestesses are part of the tide of folks dismantling the outdated toxic power-over paradigms and are here to guide us into power-with, where being a leader also means being a sacred sister, just like Morgan le Fay and her circle of Queens.

To be a good leader, you have to first learn to be a good sister or sibling. You need to heal your sisterhood wounds by being in sacred sisterhood. That’s the first step!

5. Get comfy with transition. 

The path of the Morgan Priest or Priestess is not for folks afraid of the darker parts of life. Your path to priestess-hood will be in partnership with your shadow, for Morgan holds up the mirror to your deepest darkest wounds, fears and toxic patterns. She asks you to heal yourself and to rise. 

Morgan is an alchemist – she transforms those who work with her, and challenges them to rise into their true purpose. 

As Priestess of Morgan le Fay you will be tasked to work with your shadow and to accept the darker more difficult parts of life. You need to be able to hold yourself in these shadow places and allow Morgan to guide you through them…

…because as part of your priesthood you will probably be called on to hold others in these shadowy places and help them transform too. 


So, beauty. 

Is the path of the Priest/ess/x of Morgan le Fay for you? 

Is she calling you to rebirth the ways of the Priestesses of Avalon and summon the dragon energy of the celtic enchantresses once more? 

Morgan le Fay Priestess Activation!

Ready to learn more about Morgan le Fay? I have an incredible free class for you that will teach you everything you need to know about Morgan le Fay and connect you with her powerful magic.

The Morgan le Fay Priestess Activation includes a lavishly illustrated Morgan le Fay guidebook, a potent Avalonian audio activation and a pre-recorded ceremony that works with Morgan le Fay to awaken enchantment in your life.

 💜 A lavishly illustrated Morgan le Fay Guidebook, where you will learn secret teachings of this forgotten goddess

 ⚡️ A powerful Avalon Activation Audio, to awaken and connect you with the energetic current of Avalon and allow it’s love and peace shift you

 🔥 An incredibly potent recorded ceremony working with Morgan le Fay to reclaim your magic and re-enchant your world alive. 

Get your free Morgan le Fay priestess Activation here:

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