For me Morgana is the Midwife of Priestesses. She teaches us what it means to really embody the arts of Avalon and the way of the priestess – and she illustrates just what we are up against in her stories: 

✨ Vilification of the feminine and of women. 

✨ Sister wounding and destructive competition. 

Fear of power and independence. 

Living a way that does not fit into the rest of the regular world

Self sabotage and the reign of our shadow

Her stories are FULL of the dramas of priestess shadows, and they help us know that as a goddess who is (maybe) also a human and (maybe) also a legend, she get all the shitty ego stuff we have to wade through as spiritual humans. 

One REALLY important (and really difficult) thing she teaches us is to reclaim our power and stop getting stuck in victim mode. 

She shows us how to acknowledge that shit stuff exists (all the sister fighting and competition and betrayal) without it stripping away our agency and power. 

She challenges us to accept the shadows with the sun – the difficult with the lovely, the disturbing with the divine – so we can hold that Vesica Piscis balance of all things and TRULY BE HERE in the world.  

Acceptance doesn’t mean apathy – it just means we are no longer wasting energy fighting what is. We can move into a place of responsibility and action because we are no longer draining ourselves resisting… and we can move into a place of compassion. 

The Triangle of DRAMA

Culturally we are really locked in this weird victim/persecutor/rescuer triangle, where everyone is shouting at everyone else and trying so hard to be the “right” one. 

As us witches and priestesses know, polarised thinking solves no problems. Whenever we are stuck in ANY dynamic of the victim/persecutor/rescuer triangle (also officially known as the TRIANGLE OF DRAMA, I love that!) we are not empowered. 

🙅‍♀️ The Victim is in a place of powerlessness and is committed to that powerlessness – they get their righteousness by being the person who was wronged. 

🙅‍♀️ The Perpetrator is usually digging in and defending how actually they are FINE and how EVERYONE ELSE is overreacting and is totally wrong. They need to defend their righteousness. 

🙅‍♀️ The Rescuer is addicted to being the “good guy” and pointing at the perpetrator and shouting “you are so bad! Shame on you!” and being all smug in their righteousness in being on the right side. 

I say all these descriptions with love and compassion (I have personally been in every one of these roles!) and knowing that of course there are huge injustices that are beyond the scope of a pithy lil’ blog to do justice to. 

The thing about the TRIANGLE OF DRAMA is that as long as you are on it, you can’t be free and you can’t be in power…

… and our modern media and culture freaking LOVES the triangle of drama. It FEEDS on it, and if you don’t play by its Rules of Righteousness, you get outed as an Asshole who Does not Care. 

Morgan, however, knows if you are lost to the Drama triangle you are not actually in a position to create any change. 

She challenges us to accept what is (even when what is, is utterly shit) and root back into our power so we can choose a new path OUTSIDE of the media scripts and cultural expectations. 

Acceptance isn’t apathy – it isn’t approval, and it isn’t numbing out. It is being with the facts and removing the ego from the situation – that pesky email that makes everything about YOU. 

Acceptance means giving up the tug-of-war that is taking place in the triangle – instead of being lost in poor-me righteous victimhood, you free up the energy locked in that fight to prove yourself the victim and have that energy to use whatever damn way you please.  

We’ve been talking about sister wounding a lot lately. When we accept that there is some big sister wound shenanigans at play in your community, you are able to reclaim your power in the situation – which might mean acknowledging all the shit stuff holding us back, noticing the internalised mysogyny and community conditioning within us, really taking loving care of yourself, allowing yourself the time and space to feel and cry and grieve…

… and then blazing a whole new trail outside of the silly triangle system.

Fuck the triangle. 

Magical folk like us, like Morgan le Fay and Rhiannon, they just commit and create what needs to be created, regardless of the current system that they “should” operate within. 

You can’t fix the drama triangle from the inside. 

However, from the outside, you can build a circle. 

A different way of being, behaving, reacting and relating, self by a team of sisters and sibling – of equals. 

And all the people in the drama triangle get to go, hey, there is a circle option too? Since when?!

This is what reclaiming power looks like – and this is why anyone on the Morgen priestess path is OUTRAGEOUSLY brave and courageous, whether they recognise that in themselves or not. 

Morgana’s path to Avalon is a path of Right Power – of shared leadership, love, compassion and holding the darkness. 

She is the edges of things.  

And she is the initiation of a new way. 

It was so important for me to make a Mystery School and priestess teachings that really focused Morgan le Fay and her bodacious excellence, because she holds the path to grounded power in our priestess selves. 

That teaches this work because without it, we cannot be in healthy sisterhood. We cannot see our shadows and transmute them. We cannot walk our soul path. 

And Morgan wants you to do ALL THIS like NOW ALREADY,

Because the world needs luminaries who can show up with their tender hearts and hold power. 

If this speaks to you, keep your eyes peeled! Morgan le Fay Mystery School is opening for registration in a couple of weeks and it’s a whole YEAR working with soul path, priestessing and badass magic.

Morgan le Fay Priestess Activation!

Ready to learn more about Morgan le Fay? I have an incredible free class for you that will teach you everything you need to know about Morgan le Fay and connect you with her powerful magic.

The Morgan le Fay Priestess Activation includes a lavishly illustrated Morgan le Fay guidebook, a potent Avalonian audio activation and a pre-recorded ceremony that works with Morgan le Fay to awaken enchantment in your life.

 💜 A lavishly illustrated Morgan le Fay Guidebook, where you will learn secret teachings of this forgotten goddess

 ⚡️ A powerful Avalon Activation Audio, to awaken and connect you with the energetic current of Avalon and allow it’s love and peace shift you

 🔥 An incredibly potent recorded ceremony working with Morgan le Fay to reclaim your magic and re-enchant your world alive. 

Get your free Morgan le Fay priestess Activation here:

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