How the witch of Avalon and the red woman of Christianity hold the same magic…

I’ve never been a one-thing kind of person.

And on my spiritual path I have danced between Morgan & Avalon, and Aphrodite and the sacred sexual priestesses.

Right now I am undergoing an intense scent priestess training to work with the holy essential oils to heal and help dying people cross over, and this training is framed as a Magdalene training.

The amount of trainings I have taken with a Magdalene focus, whether slight or overt, is wild…

… but, honestly, I am not a Magdalene person.

At least, not the context of the Magdalene herself.

I’m really not into the Jesus stuff, the mother Mary stuff, the true apostle stuff – it’s interesting, and I like learning about it, but it just doesn’t GET me in my gut, you know?

I don’t need my goddess practice to be linked to Christianity. I didn’t grow up Christian or in a Christian family (despite living in a vicarage) so there is no healing to be done there or reckoning I am longing for.

I’m always like… why do we need to make Jesus goddessy when we have LEGIT WITCHES AND GODDESSES to be excited about?

But the modern VIBE of the Magdalene, as the most visual and seen embodiment of the womb shamans, pussy witches and holy harlots of the ancient world, of the red priestesses of sex and death and life…

… that’s my vibe 100%.

I started training as a Scent Priestess because I wanted to go deeper in my Aphrodite studies – but hey, surprise surprise, as normal it wasn’t actually a nice tangent to learn about Aphrodite or the middle eastern mistresses of sex and sensuality…

… it was another covert way to get me to study more with Morgan le Fay.

I am convinced that Morgan le Fay is the Celtic Magdalene.

(Or more rightly, Magdalene is the abrahamic Morgana!)

If Magdalene represents sex magic, the divine feminine, death rites and divine wisdom then those are the exact same things that Morgan le Fay stands for.

Think about it.

Magdalene is a powerful holy woman whose sensual embodied wisdom was so great and so scared, the men of the ancient Christian world demonised her as a prostitute, focused on how she was a sinner and took all power away form her…

…while elevating the bland, whitewashed and stripped majesty of Mother Mary, the one true holy woman, who never had sex or made anyone upset ever.

Morgan is a surviving myth of a mysterious ancient Celtic goddess who was a holy, sensual, sexual healer and magician of raw feminine power – who made the men of the Christian middle ages so nervous that they demonised her. They took her challenging, sensual, initiatory power and twisted it into a terrifying cautionary tale of what happens when bad women get influence. They cast her as a malicious, evil, jealous villain who wants to sex every knight she can get her hands on…

…and then contrasted her in opposition against the Lady of the Lake, who was seen as the true helpful holy woman, the mother of the can-do-no-wrong-totally-perfect Lancelot, and the lady of the lake never made any men upset or challenged them and was only good and kind and subservient and helpful to them.

Morgan is a goddess of herbs, potions, healing and energy work – the work of the herbalists, yes, and the work of the myrrophores, the priestesses who work with and use the holy oils (essential oils) and plant spirits for healing.

Of COURSE Morgan le Fay would have a precious box filled with scents and oils from around the world!

And Magdalene is most well known for being the woman with the Alabaster Jar – the one who anoints Jesus with precious Magdalene, and is present to midwife him through his death…

… just as Morgan le Fay is most well known for taking the role of death doula and psychopomp for King Arthur, the christed king of Albion, taking him literally across the waters to the otherworld isle of Avalon (which is of course also the Isle of the Dead.)

Morgan is sex energy.

Magdalene is sex energy.

They are the same, but not the same. Different flavours, different personalities, different textures of the same energy.

And of course their myths and stories weave in and out of each other – the legends of Magdalene coming to Glastonbury to live with the holy community of druids here, birthing here daughter in the Morgan landscapes, journeying to France to live in a cave and commune with more Celtic druids and wise ones…

(… something not so known is that Morgan has a real strong presence in France, though to be fair she’s more associated with Brocilande in the west than the caves of the Magdalene in the south.)

… and the interweaving for hundreds of years of christianity with the Celtic holy places of Morgan le Fay – of Glastonbury, of wales, the infiltration of the surviving Celtic legends by christian heroes and the discordant tang of faery that weaves through all of it. 

Cut back to my story – as I was doing my anointing practice at my altar the other day, struggling with this split that has occurred once again in my personal journey – the Aphroditic and the Magdalene vs the Avalonian – I realised there is no split.

I might be doing a Magdalene anointing training…

… but secretly, covertly, I am once again simply learning the arts of the Priestesses of Avalon. Once again, I am in training to embody Morgana energy, to integrate her skills and be the hands of Avalon in the world.

I am doing a Morgan le Fay anointing training. 

Although I don’t think anyone else in my training is. 

Maybe they just haven’t realised it yet.

 Free Gift : Morgan le Fay Priestess Activation!

Ready to learn more about Morgan le Fay? I have an incredible free class for you that will teach you everything you need to know about Morgan le Fay and connect you with her powerful magic.

The Morgan le Fay Priestess Activation includes a lavishly illustrated Morgan le Fay guidebook, a potent Avalonian audio activation and a pre-recorded ceremony that works with Morgan le Fay to awaken enchantment in your life.

This free Priestess Activation is for YOU if you – 

 🌳 Are interested in learning Morgan le Fay beyond her stories as a villain and bad sorceress

 🌙 Want to connect with a deep sense of magic in your life and awaken a mythical thread of enchantment to illuminate your life

 🌟 Love collecting magical, beautiful grimoires!

Get your free Morgan le Fay Priestess Activation here: